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Found 17295 papers in total
Sorting multi-attribute alternatives: The TOMASO method
We analyze a recently proposed ordinal sorting procedure (T omaso ) for the assignment...
knowCube: a visual and interactive support for multicriteria decision making
In this paper, we present a novel multicriteria decision support system (MCDSS),...
A method of aggregation in DS/AHP for group decision-making with the non-equivalent importance of individuals in the group
Group decision-making (GDM) is an active area of research within multi-criteria...
Combining different prioritization methods in the analytic hierarchy process synthesis
A multicritera approach for combining prioritization methods within the analytic...
A preference aggregation method through the estimation of utility intervals
In this paper, a preference aggregation method is developed for ranking alternative...
Enterprise simulation: a hybrid system approach
Manufacturing enterprise decisions can be classified into four groups: business...
The optimal use of standby suppliers: A decision-analysis approach
Today's supply chains are becoming not only more efficient, with the aid of advanced...
Operating environment-based spare parts forecasting and logistics: a case study
In today's highly dynamic and constantly changing industrial environment, issues...
Supplier selection and controlling using multivariate analysis
Purpose – An efficient supplier management is of central importance for...
Minimizing labor requirements in a periodic vehicle loading problem
In this paper, we address a logistics problem that a manufacturer of auto parts in the...
Dynamic vehicle routing by means of a genetic algorithm
Purpose – To propose and to evaluate a new genetic algorithm (GA) for solving...
Iterative convex quadratic approximation for global optimization in protein docking
An algorithm for finding an approximate global minimum of a funnel shaped function...
Optimal security liquidation algorithms
This paper develops trading strategies for liquidation of a financial security, which...
Multiperiod portfolio optimization with terminal liability: Bounds for the convex case
This paper is concerned with an investor trading in multiple securities over many time...
The parcel hub scheduling problem: A simulation-based solution approach
This research presents an interesting scheduling problem common to freight...
Solving a continuous location–routing problem by use of a self-organizing map
Purpose – A variant of Kohonen's algorithm for the self-organizing map (SOM) is...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the median-path problem
The Median-Path problem consists of locating an st -path on a network, minimizing a...
Hyper-sparsity in the revised simplex method and how to exploit it
The revised simplex method is often the method of choice when solving large scale...
Expanding neighborhood GRASP for the traveling salesman problem
In this paper, we present the application of a modified version of the well known...
Comparisons between drum–buffer–rope and material requirements planning: a case study
Drum–Buffer–Rope (DBC) is an alternative approach to manufacturing...
A heuristic for minimizing the makespan in no-idle permutation flow shops
The paper deals with the problem of finding a job sequence that minimizes the makespan...
A neural network to enhance local search in the permutation flowshop
This paper considers the n -job, m -machine permutation flowshop with the objective of...
Combining heuristic procedures and simulation models for balancing a PC camera assembly line
In this paper, a mixed-model PC camera assembly line balancing case study is...
Anticipation and flexibility in dynamic scheduling
Many real-world optimization problems change over time and require frequent...
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