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Heuristics for minimizing total weighted tardiness in complex job shops
Montgomery Douglas C.
Semi-conductor manufacturing is arguably one of the most complex manufacturing...
Comparing deterministic, robust and online scheduling using entropy
Wirth Andrew
We conjecture that when the uncertainty of scheduling information increases, one...
Minimizing total tardiness of orders with re-entrant lots in a hybrid flow shop
Kim Y.-D.
This study focuses on a hybrid flowshop scheduling problem, in which there are serial...
Conceptual framework for lot-sizing and scheduling of flexible flow lines
Kuhn H.
The paper considers the lot-sizing and scheduling problem for flexible flow line...
Optimal scheduling for flexible job shop operation
Novais A.Q.
This paper presents a new integer linear programming (ILP) model to schedule flexible...
A genetic scheduling methodology for virtual cellular manufacturing systems: an industrial application
Mak K.L.
Effective solutions to the cell formation and the production scheduling problems are...
A genetic algorithm-based approach to machine assignment problem
Chan F.T.S.
Over the last few decades, production scheduling problems have received much...
Heuristics for the N-product, M-stage, economic lot sizing and scheduling problem with dynamic demand
Boctor F.F.
This paper presents a new composite heuristics approach for solving the N -product, M...
Flowshop-scheduling problems with makespan criterion: a review
Hejazi S. Reza
This paper is a complete survey of flowshop-scheduling problems and contributions from...
Genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for scheduling in agile manufacturing
Gaafar L.K.
In this paper, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing are applied to scheduling in...
Model structure analysis through graph theory: partition heuristics and feedback structure decomposition
Oliva Rogelio
The argument of this article is that it is possible to focus on the structural...
A generalized stock control formulation for stock management problems involving composite delays and secondary stocks
Yasarcan Hakan
It is well established in the system dynamics literature that if the stock management...
Optimization of warehouse storage capacity under a dedicated storage policy
Elsayed E.A.
The problem of the determination of the space requirements for warehouse systems...
Infrastructure in developing and transition countries: Risk and protection
Pflug Georg Ch.
This article examines two possible strategies for financing post-disaster...
On-line dispatching rules for vehicle-based internal transport systems
Koster M.B.M. de
On-line vehicle dispatching rules are widely used in many facilities such as...
A practical exact algorithm for the shortest loop design problem in a block layout
Laporte Gilbert
The problem of determining a shortest loop incident to each cell of a block layout is...
Travel distance estimation and storage zone optimization in a 2-block class-based storage strategy warehouse
Le-Duc T.
Order picking has been considered as the most critical operation in warehousing....
Order-batching heuristics based on cluster analysis in a low-level picker-to-part warehousing system
Hwang H.
This paper deals with the order-batching problem in low-level picker-to-part...
Modelling and simulation of a bottling plant using hybrid Petri nets
Giua A.
In this paper we use First-Order Hybrid Petri nets (FOHPN), a hybrid model that...
Using multi-criteria decision models to assess the economic and environmental impacts of farming decisions in an agricultural watershed
Qiu Zeyuan
This paper reports on the integration of a farm decision model with a watershed...
Capitalization of farm policy benefits and the rate of return to policy-created assets: Evidence from California dairy quota
Sumner Daniel A.
The rate of return to ownership of California dairy quota is about 27% per year...
Comparison of sensitivity analysis methods based on applications to a food safety risk assessment model
Frey Christopher
Sensitivity analysis (SA) methods are a valuable tool for identifying critical control...
Mobile construction supply chain management using PDA and bar codes
Tserng H. Ping
Construction project control aims to effectively obtain real-time information and...
Modeling the dynamics of an infrastructure project
Ogunlana Stephen O.
Contractors frequently encounter various problems during project construction, even...
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