Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Robust strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions
When major disruptions occur, many supply chains tend to break down and take a longe...
An effective heuristic for scheduling a yard crane to handle jobs with different ready times
In land-constrained port container terminals, yard cranes are commonly used for...
Incentive compatible, collaborative production scheduling with simple communication among distributed agents
We study the collaborative production scheduling problem that arises when schedulers...
Cluster-level operations planning for the out-of-position robotic arc-welding
Recent advances in computer vision and arc-welding technology have motivated a...
Minimizing the total weighted completion time in a two-machine proportionate flow shop with different machine speeds
In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the total weighted completion...
Hierarchical approach to production scheduling in make-to-order assembly
This paper presents a hierarchical framework and integer programming formulations for...
A drum–buffer–rope scheduling method for manufacturing environments with bottleneck re-entrant flows
Implementing the drum–buffer–rope (DBR) management system effectively...
Genetic algorithms for the no-wait flowshop sequencing problem with time restrictions
This article deals with the no-wait flowshop problem with sequence dependent set-ups...
Inverse scheduling with controllable job parameters
Scheduling problems deal with how to sequence a list of jobs with the objective of...
A review and classification of heuristics for permutation flow-shop scheduling with makespan objective
Makespan minimization in permutation flow-shop scheduling is an operations research...
Generalization of Johnson's and Talwar's scheduling rules in two-machine stochastic flow shops
The paper deals with the classical problem of minimizing the makespan in a two-machine...
Scheduling for an arc-welding robot considering heat-caused distortion
This paper focuses on an arc-welding robot scheduling problem, which is the problem of...
Note on scheduling with general learning curves to minimize the number of tardy jobs
Several research studies have confirmed that people and organizations become better at...
Improved lower bounds for the early/tardy scheduling problem with no idle time
In this paper, we consider the single machine earliness/tardiness scheduling problem...
The search for an alerted moving target
We investigate a two-sided, multi-stage search problem where a continuous search...
Greedy algorithms for packing unequal circles into a rectangular container
In this paper, we study the problem of packing unequal circles into a two-dimensional...
Capacity planning and warehouse location in supply chains with uncertain demands
We discuss the strategic capacity planning and warehouse location problem in supply...
Using a viable system model as a diagnostic tool for small-sized companies
With international trade now being more accessible and communication easier,...
A new tabu search heuristic for the open vehicle routing problem
In this paper, another version of the vehicle routing problem – the open vehicle...
A metaheuristic for the vehicle-routing problem with soft time windows
This paper develops a metaheuristic for the vehicle-routing and scheduling problem...
Solving the open vehicle routing problem via a single parameter metaheuristic algorithm
In this paper, we consider the open vehicle routing problem (OVRP), in which routes...
A framework for incorporating climate regime shifts into the management of marine resources
It is possible to use an ecosystem-based management approach to incorporate knowledge...
A mathematical model for designing and sizing sow farms
A semi-Markov model and its application for designing and sizing swine facilities are...
Regulation as a barrier to electronic commerce in Europe: the case of the European fund management industry
This paper presents results of exploratory research into the question of whether the...
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