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Found 17295 papers in total
Two-phased meta-heuristic methods for the post-mapping yield control problem
Yield control plays an important role in the TFT-LCD manufacturing firms, and the...
Hybrid approach for genetic algorithm and Taguchi's method based design optimization in the automotive industry
Although genetic algorithm and multi-objective optimization techniques are widely used...
A simulation-based hybrid backwards scheduling framework for manufacturing systems
This paper presents a hybrid backwards-scheduling method, referred to as HBS, which...
Cutting costs or enhancing revenues? An example of a multi-product firm with impatient customers illustrates an important choice facing operational researchers
A new dilemma facing the operational researcher with limited resources is, whether to...
Complexity in rework cells: theory, analysis and comparison
Although the word complexity is often used by engineers who are trying to re-design or...
Optimization of manufacturing processes by distributed simulation
The paper describes a simulation-based optimization system for manufacturing...
Guided design search in the interval-bounded sailor assignment problem
The problem of assigning Navy personnel to jobs is primarily a manual process...
Realizing block planning concepts in make-and-pack production using MILP modelling and SAP APO©
In the industrial application environment considered, different variants of a basic...
The role of operational research in counterterrorism
This article does not have an abstract.
Business process-oriented design of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for small and medium enterprises
In the last few years, many organizations have used business process modelling as an...
Strategies for implementing decision technology systems successfully: a field study in army housing management
A decision technology system (DTS) has been proposed to provide direct support for the...
Cost performance and bullwhip effect in a hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing system with different control policies
In recent years, remanufacturing has emerged as an important research area. This...
Semi-dynamic modelling of heterogeneous land combat
We propose a semi-dynamic approach to tactical level land combat modelling from the...
Optimal production opportunities in a remanufacturing system
In recent years, remanufacturing has emerged in various industrial sectors, and it...
Discontinuity in decision-making when objectives conflict: a military command decision case study
In previous work, we considered the representation of human decision-making processes...
Design and operation of dynamic assembly lines using work-sharing
Dynamic line balancing (DLB) deals with dynamic shifting of assembly tasks (shared...
Analysis and design of split and merge unpaced assembly systems by metamodelling and stochastic search
The study presents a new approach in optimal interstage buffer allocation problem of...
Balancing large-scale machining lines with multi-spindle heads using decomposition
The paper deals with optimal logical layout design for a type of machining lines. Such...
Complete and fractional cell formation using Kohonen self-organizing map networks in a cellular manufacturing system
The primary objective of group technology (GT) is to enhance the productivity in batch...
A formal control-theoretic model of a human–automation interactive manufacturing system control
This paper describes a human–automation interactive manufacturing system and...
Economic selection of sub-process mean values for a mixture production process
The problem of determining the most profitable sub-process means is considered for a...
Dynamic lot sizing with product returns and remanufacturing
We address the dynamic lot sizing problem for systems with product returns. The demand...
A two-stage simulated annealing procedure for block layout problems
Rules for setting simulated annealing control parameters are proposed for block layout...
Hybrid genetic algorithm for group technology economic lot scheduling problem
The concept of group technology has been successfully applied to many production...
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