Semi-dynamic modelling of heterogeneous land combat

Semi-dynamic modelling of heterogeneous land combat

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Article ID: iaor20071935
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 57
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 38
End Page Number: 51
Publication Date: Jan 2006
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: mathematical, simulation

We propose a semi-dynamic approach to tactical level land combat modelling from the attacker's viewpoint. Our approach decomposes a battle between heterogeneous forces into stages and mini battles. For each mini battle in a stage, we use three models: a mathematical programming model for optimizing force allocations, a Lanchester simulation model for predicting whether or not the stage targets are reached under the allocations, and a model for weapon effectiveness update from one stage to the next. These models interact with each other within the framework of a decision support system to help the user with allocation decisions as well as prediction of force requirements to win the battle.


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