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Found 17295 papers in total
Locating repair shops in a stochastic environment
In this paper, we consider a repair shop location problem with uncertainties in...
Staying together or breaking apart: policy-makers' endogenous coalitions formation in the European Economic and Monetary Union
In this paper, we analyze the coordination of macroeconomic stabilization policies...
A genetic algorithm approach to solving the anti-covering location problem
In this paper we address the problem of locating a maximum weighted number of...
Solving large-scale uncapacitated facility location problems with evolutionary simulated annealing
Uncapacitated Facility Location (UFL) Problems are, in general, modelled as mixed...
Evaluating the performance of calculus classes using operational research tools
This paper compares the efficiency of calculus classes. Two kinds of classes are...
The facility and transfer points location problem
In this paper, we investigate the location of a facility and several transfer points...
Logistics planning under uncertainty for disposition of radioactive wastes
The US Department of Energy (DOE) faces an enormous environmental remediation...
Efficient operation of natural gas transmission systems: A network-based heuristic for cyclic structures
In this paper we propose a heuristic solution procedure for fuel cost minimization on...
Forecasting net energy consumption using artificial neural network
The main goal of this study is to develop the equations for forecasting net energy...
Selecting an appropriate multi-criteria decision analysis technique for renewable energy planning
This article develops a methodological framework to provide insights regarding the...
Developing a 3D layout for wafer fabrication plants
Wafer fabrication plants (FABs) are typically arranged in two dimensional (2D) layouts...
An efficient heuristic to dimension large-scale hybrid optoelectronic networks
This paper presents a new heuristic to solve efficiently the problem of dimensioning...
Decision on economical rail grinding interval for controlling rolling contact fatigue
Rail players around the world have been increasing axle loads to improve the...
State probability of a series-parallel repairable system with two types of failure states
This paper presents a method for the analysis of a series-parallel safety-critical...
Nonparametric adaptive opportunity-based age replacement strategies
We consider opportunity-based age replacement (OAR) using nonparametric predictive...
Optimal production time and number of maintenance actions for an imperfect production system under equal-interval maintenance policy
This paper deals with the optimal production/maintenance (PM) policy for a...
Improving preventive maintenance scheduling in semiconductor fabrication facilities
The complexity of modern semiconductor manufacturing processes and the need for...
Measuring bank operations performance: an approach based on Grey Relation Analysis
The aim of this paper is to use a new approach of performance evaluation, Grey...
Optimal maintenance intervals for a multi-component system
In the manufacturing industry, preventive maintenance (PM) is carried out to minimise...
Management decision-making in the single period optimum pricing problem
Management of the firm implementing revenue management has many decisions to make...
Border-collision bifurcations in a dynamic management game
Managerial systems often involve piecewise-linear relations associated with...
Financial survival analysis of defaulted debtors
This research centres on the financial survival experience of participants in a New...
Men and measures: capturing knowledge requirements in firms through qualitative system modelling
Knowledge Management (KM) is an issue of great and increasing importance in most if...
Predictive models of expenditure and over-indebtedness for assessing the affordability of new consumer credit applications
Lenders are under increasing pressure to consider measures of affordability and...
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