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Keyword: risk
1845 papers
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Transfer of risk in the newsvendor model with discrete demand
Jrnsten Kurt
In this paper we consider the transfer of risk in a newsvendor model with discrete...
A location‐routing problem with disruption risk
Ahmadi-Javid Amir
This paper considers a location‐routing problem in a supply‐chain...
Financial condition, safety investment and accident propensity in the US airline industry: A structural analysis
Hofer Christian
Previous research has used reduced‐form models to determine the impact of...
Perception of risks in renewable energy projects: The case of concentrated solar power in North Africa
Komendantova Nadejda
The world needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent climate change, while...
Figuring what’s fair: The cost of equity capital for renewable energy in emerging markets
Nuez Laura
The appropriate cost of capital for a renewable energy project depends upon an...
Power sector investment risk and renewable energy: A Japanese case study using portfolio risk optimization method
Bhattacharya Anindya
The conventional pricing mechanism used for electricity systematically hides huge...
A multi‐attribute Systemic Risk Index for comparing and prioritizing chemical industrial areas
Srensen K
Measures taken to decrease interdependent risks within chemical industrial areas...
Constructing post‐carbon institutions: Assessing EU carbon reduction efforts through an institutional risk governance approach
LaBelle Michael
This paper examines three different governance approaches the European Union (EU) and...
Retailers' risk management and vertical arrangements in electricity markets
Boroumand Raphal Homayoun
The failure of the asset‐light retailer's organizational model is indicative of...
Fleet operator risks for using fleets for V2G regulation
Hill Davion M
Future fleets of vehicles may include electric vehicles (EVs) or hybrid electric...
Generating electricity with forest biomass: Consistency and payment timeframe effects in choice experiments
Solio Mario
This paper presents a choice experiment analyzing the consumers' preferences towards a...
Risk communication and knowledge management in a nuclear sector: a case study about the experience of Slovak non‐governmental organisations
Mihk Peter
Despite the fact that the relevant national legislation was amended in order to...
A DCBA‐DEA methodology for selecting suppliers with supply risk
Wong Wai Peng
With dynamic changes in the supply chain environment, suppliers have a tendency to...
Quantitative risk analysis of oil and gas drilling, using Deepwater Horizon as case study
Skogdalen Jon Espen
According to the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and...
Risk‐based prioritization and its application to inspection of valves in the water sector
Marlow David R
Isolation valves facilitate the effective operation and maintenance of water supply...
Combining precursor incidents investigations and QRA in oil and gas industry
Skogdalen Jon Espen
Accident investigation is the collection and examination of facts related to an...
Network theory‐based analysis of risk interactions in large engineering projects
Zio Enrico
This paper presents an approach based on network theory to deal with risk interactions...
Conventional and dynamic safety analysis: Comparison on a chemical batch reactor
Podofillini L
Dynamic safety analysis methodologies are an attractive approach to tackle systems...
Release of hazardous substances in flood events: Damage model for atmospheric storage tanks
Cozzani Valerio
The damage of storage tanks in flood events may lead to severe...
Analysis of trends in aviation maintenance risk: An empirical approach
Marais Karen B
Safety is paramount in the airline industry. A significant amount of effort has been...
Country risk forecasting for major oil exporting countries: A decomposition hybrid approach
Li Jian Ping
From the perspective of energy security, this paper focuses on country risk...
Harmonic analysis of occupational‐accident time‐series as a part of the quantified risk evaluation in worksites: Application on electric power industry and construction sector
Marhavilas P K
The development of an integrated risk analysis scheme, which will combine a...
Real‐time feedback and booking behavior in the hospitality industry: Moderating the balance between imperfect judgment and imperfect prescription
Bendoly Elliot
Revenue management (RM) systems now have an established role in the hospitality...
Learning from others’ misfortune: Factors influencing knowledge acquisition to reduce operational risk
Klassen Robert D
Risks arising from operations are increasingly being highlighted by managers,...
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