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Keyword: risk
1845 papers
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Sourcing Under Supplier Responsibility Risk: The Effects of Certification, Audit, and Contingency Payment
Chen Li
Companies that source from emerging economies often face supplier responsibility risks...
Do Stock Options Overcome Managerial Risk Aversion? Evidence from Exercises of Executive Stock Options
Lie Erik
We report that the probability that executives exercise options early decreases with...
Between First- and Second-Order Stochastic Dominance
Scarsini Marco
We develop a continuum of stochastic dominance rules, covering preferences from...
Tail Risk Dynamics in Stock Returns: Links to the Macroeconomy and Global Markets Connectedness
Massacci Daniele
We propose a new time‐varying peaks over threshold model to study tail risk...
Effective Reminders
Calzolari Giacomo
We study the effects of reminders on people’s behavior in investment activities...
Optimality of the generalized cµ rule in the moderate deviation regime
Atar Rami
This paper studies a multiclass queueing system with an associated...
Portfolio optimization for jump-diffusion risky assets with common shock dependence and state dependent risk aversion
Liang Zhibin
An optimal portfolio problem with one risk‐free asset and two...
Operational Risk in Financial Services: A Review and New Research Opportunities
Pinedo Michael
We present a framework to describe and analyze operational risk in financial services...
Optimal Dynamic Risk Taking
Subramanian Ajay
We analyze a continuous‐time stochastic control problem that arises in the...
Optimal mean‐variance asset-liability management with stochastic interest rates and inflation risks
Pan Jian
This paper considers an optimal asset‐liability management problem with...
Predictive decision making under risk and uncertainty: A support vector machines model
Dalalah Doraid
In this paper, a decision making model using support vector machine (SVM) approach is...
Presenting a multi agent system for estimating risk in supply chain management
Kazemi Abolfazl
Nowadays, supply chains play an inevitable role in prompt handling of varying...
Bank Leverage and Monetary Policy's Risk-Taking Channel: Evidence from the United States
Dell'Ariccia Giovanni
We present evidence of a risk‐taking channel of monetary policy for the U.S....
Linear-Rational Term Structure Models
Filipovic Damir
We introduce the class of linear‐rational term structure models in which the...
Modeling U-Shaped Exposure-Response Relationships for Agents that Demonstrate Toxicity Due to Both Excess and Deficiency
Milton Brittany
Essential elements such as copper and manganese may demonstrate U‐shaped...
Agency Problems and Airport Security: Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence on the Impact of Security Training
Williams Julian
We analyze the issue of agency costs in aviation security by combining results from a...
In Search of Perfect Foresight? Policy Bias, Management of Unknowns, and What Has Changed in Science Policy Since the Tohoku Disaster
Komendantova Nadejda
The failure to foresee the catastrophic earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear accident of...
Using In Vitro High-Throughput Screening Data for Predicting Benzo[k]Fluoranthene Human Health Hazards
Burgoon Lyle D
Today there are more than 80,000 chemicals in commerce and the environment. The...
Cross-Milieu Terrorist Collaboration: Using Game Theory to Assess the Risk of a Novel Threat
Zhuang Jun
This article uses a game‐theoretic approach to analyze the risk of...
The Value of Information in Decision-Analytic Modeling for Malaria Vector Control in East Africa
Kim Dohyeong
Decision analysis tools and mathematical modeling are increasingly emphasized in...
Incorporating Time-Dose-Response into Legionella Outbreak Models
Haas Charles N
A novel method was used to incorporate in vivo host–pathogen dynamics into a new...
Comparison of Risk Predicted by Multiple Norovirus Dose‐Response Models and Implications for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
Van Abel Nicole
The application of quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) to understand and...
The Economic Impact of Space Weather: Where Do We Stand?
Eastwood J P
Space weather describes the way in which the Sun, and conditions in space more...
Parenthood and Worrying About Climate Change: The Limitations of Previous Approaches
Ekholm Sara
The present study considers the correlation between parenthood and worry about the...
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