Keyword: queues: applications

Found 872 papers in total
On the Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in the Bottleneck Model with Atomic Users
This paper investigates the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in the Vickrey...
Travel-Time Models With and Without Homogeneity Over Time
In dynamic network loading and dynamic traffic assignment for networks, the link...
Queues with Server Vacations as a Model for Pretimed Signalized Urban Traffic
A queuing system resulting from a signalized intersection regulated by pretimed...
Analysis of Traffic Statics and Dynamics in Signalized Networks: A Poincaré Map Approach
An understanding of traffic statics and dynamics is critical for developing effective...
A Microscopic Investigation Into the Capacity Drop: Impacts of Longitudinal Behavior on the Queue Discharge Rate
The capacity drop indicates that the queue discharge rate is lower than the...
Approximations for the Queue Length Distributions of Time-Varying Many-Server Queues
This paper presents a novel and computationally efficient methodology for...
Benchmark Schedules for Subcontracted Operations: Decentralization Inefficiencies that Arise from Competition and First-Come-First-Served Processing*
Subcontracting has become a prominent business practice across many industries....
Forked queueing model with load dependent service rate and bulk arrivals
In this paper a forked two‐node tandem queueing model with load dependent...
An M/G/1 retrial G-queue with optional re-service, impatient customers, multiple working vacations and vacation interruption
In this work, we consider a single server retrial queueing system with multiple...
Analysis of a multicriterial buffer capacity optimization problem for a production line
We consider a multicriterial optimization problem for volumes of buffers in a...
Non-preemptive buffer management for latency sensitive packets
The delivery of latency sensitive packets is a crucial issue in real‐time...
Networks of ·/G/∞ queues with shot-noise-driven arrival intensities
We study infinite‐server queues in which the arrival process is a Cox process...
Strategic customer behavior in a queueing system with delayed observations
We consider the single‐server Markovian queue with infinite waiting space and...
Poly-symmetry in processor-sharing systems
We consider a system of processor‐sharing queues with state‐dependent...
Queue-length balance equations in multiclass multiserver queues and their generalizations
A classical result for the steady‐state queue‐length distribution of...
Parisian ruin in the dual model with applications to the G/M/1 queue
The dual risk model describes the capital of a company with fixed expense rate and...
Strategic customer behavior in a queueing system with a loss subsystem
We study a non‐cooperative multi‐player game of rational customers in a...
A single-server queue with batch arrivals and semi-Markov services
We investigate the transient and stationary queue length distributions of a class of...
Batch arrival single-server queue with variable service speed and setup time
In this paper, we consider an M x /M/1/SET-VARI queue which has batch arrivals,...
On non-equilibria threshold strategies in ticket queues
In many real‐life queueing systems, a customer may balk upon arrival at a...
Redundancy-d: The Power of d Choices for Redundancy
Redundancy is an important strategy for reducing response time in multi‐server...
Simplex Algorithm for Countable-State Discounted Markov Decision Processes
We consider discounted Markov decision processes (MDPs) with countably‐infinite...
Trading Time in a Congested Environment
The first in, first out (FIFO) queue discipline respects the order of arrivals, but is...
The Impact of Delays on Service Times in the Intensive Care Unit
Mainstream queueing models are frequently employed in modeling healthcare delivery in...
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