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Keyword: simulation
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An approach to the simulation of bus passenger journey times for the journey to work
Pells S.R.
Bus passenger journey times in the morning peak period are simulated. Using estimates...
The use of simulation in validating a multiobjective EMS location model
Heller Miriam
A location model is proposed for emergency medical service systems to solve the...
Model-based decision support system: An effective implementation framework
Floyd S.A.
OR/MS and production operations techniques have not always been used effectively in...
Simulation of printed circuit-board manufacturing
Kachitvichyanukul V.
The paper describes a simulation model that was built to predict the production output...
A simulation model for a production distribution system
Dorai Raj P.
The problems and drawbacks of the Physical Distribution System (PDS) of a production...
Estimating the s-t reliability function using importance and stratified sampling
Fishman George S.
This paper considers an unidirected network G with a node set V and an arc set . The...
The Parameter Iteration Method in dynamic programming
Gal Shmuel
Many practical problems involve making optimal decisions for systems with state...
Pitfalls in simulation-based evaluation of forecast monitoring schemes
Wilson James R.
To evaluate the performance of a forecast monitoring scheme, forecasters have...
Overtime decision rule experiments with a model of a real shop
Price D.H.R.
Simulation experiments are described in which the impact was examined of changes in...
The computer runs the Bolder Boulder: A simulation of a major running race
Farina Ron
The annual Bolder Boulder, one of America’s top 10k races, attracts world-class...
Signalised intersections with variable flow rates: I. Analysis and simulation
Rossi Thomas F.
One of the most common measures of signalized intersection operation is the amount of...
Application of computer simulation to freight transport systems
Cochran J.K.
Selecting an appropriate simulation-model structure for complicated, large-scale...
Simulated collision avoidance manoeuvres: A parametric study
Habberley J.S.
Research on ships’ meeting encounters has taken two main forms: analysis of...
A classified bibliography of research on stochastic PERT networks: 1966-1987
Kulkarni V.G.
The aim of this paper is to present a classified bibliography of research work on...
Probabilistic shortest path problems with budgetary constraints
Bard Jonathan F.
This paper presents an algorithm for finding approximate solutions to constrained...
Distributed simulation of resource constrained project scheduling
Arora R.K.
Algorithms for resource constrained project scheduling are available for...
Expert scheduling system for a Prototype Flexible Manufacturing Cell: A framework
Gupta M.C.
In this paper, a conceptual framework is proposed to develop a knowledge base...
An operations research approach for the planning and operation of an ambulance service
Ferland Jacques A.
Emergency medical services are very complex systems to operate. Most of the...
An evaluation of approaches to modelling and simulating manufacturing systems
Ekere N.N.
This paper presents an evaluation of the main established approaches to modelling and...
The effects of warship and replenishment ship attrition on war arsenal requirements
Holder R.D.
A three-phase simulation written in Pascal and using a suite of procedures developed...
Monte Carlo estimation of the sampling distribution of nonlinear model parameter estimators
Swain J.J.
The sampling distribution of parameter estimators can be summarized by moments,...
A joint central limit theorem for the sample mean and regenerative variance estimator
Glynn P.W.
Let { V ( k ): k ≥1} be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random...
Modeling time-dependent arrivals to service systems: A case in using a piecewise-polynomial rate function in a nonhomogeneous Poisson process
Kao Edward P.C.
The authors consider the use of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process in modeling...
Representation and analysis of transfer lines with machines that have different processing rates
Gershwin S.B.
A transfer line is a tandem production system, i.e. a series of machines separated by...
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