Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
The performance of tracking signals and control charts in process monitoring
In the field of statistical process control, the Individuals, Cumulative Sum and...
Estimation of diffusion equations from discrete observations and simulation based methods
The statistical literature proposes several methods for estimating the parameters of...
A dynamic sampling technique for the simulation of probabilistic and generalized activity network
Most probabilistic activity networks (e.g. PERT) of any reasonable size are...
Batching policies for a repair shop with limited spares and finite capacity
Efficient batching for repair is essential to minimizing the ‘equipment...
Philosophical roots of model validation: Two paradigms
System dynamics models, as causal models, are much like scientific theories. Hence, in...
Teamwork in group model building
Ongoing research at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy is focusing...
With a little help from our friends: How system dynamics and soft Operational Research OR can learn from each other
At its inception, the paradigm of system dynamics was deliverately made distinct from...
System dynamics, systems thinking, and soft OR
System dynamics, systems thinking, and soft operations research (soft OR) all aspire...
Learning in and about complex systems
Change is accelerating, and as the complexity of the systems in which we live grows,...
Dynamic modelling for re-engineering organizations
Dynamics is an essential characteristic of our society and of organizations. The...
Methodologia oeconomiae et systematis dynamis (The methodologies of economies and systems dynamics)
After enduring years of criticism from members of the economics profession, many...
Analyzing who gains and who loses: The case of school finance reform in New York State
Do better models lead to better decisions? This case study assesses three...
A petroleum life cycle model for the United States with endogenous technology, exploration, recovery, and demand
This article describes a model of the life cycle of the petroleum resource in the...
A structured approach to knowledge elicitation in conceptual model building
Policy-oriented modeling demands client involvement in the model-building process....
An experimental investigation into the efficacy of Visual Interactive Simulation
The use of a Visual Interactive Simulation (VIS) model for experimental analysis,...
On a resurgence of management simulations and games
The past few years have seen a significant resurgence of interest in ‘management...
Simulation designs for the estimation of quadratic response surface gradients in the presence of model misspecification
This article considers the construction of simulation designs for the ordinary least...
Cross-evaluation in DEA: Improving discrimination among DMUs
There is a need to distinguish among efficient DMUs in Data Envelopment Analysis...
Projecting dynamic behaviour in the absence of a model: An experiment
One of the advantages commonly put forward in support of the system dynamics method is...
Designing effective simulation-based decision support systems: An empirical assessment of three types of decision support systems
This paper addresses the design of effective simulation-based decision support systems...
Metaproject scenario engineering to model alternative evolutions towards the implementation on broadband-ISDN
This article summarizes some aspects of metaproject analysis and presents a model of a...
Asymptotic theory of selection by relative rank with low cost
Selection from among n objects by relative rank with no recall-the ‘secretary...
Asymptotic theory of selection by relative rank with medium cost
Selection from among n objects by relative rank with no recall - the ‘secretary...
Asymptotic theory of selection by relative rank with high cost
Selection from among n objects by relative rank with no recall - the ‘secretary...
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