Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
A stochastic approximation algorithm with varying bounds
Many optimization problems that are intractable with conventional approaches will...
SSS: Subroutine set for experimenting in simulation research
SSS is a a collection of routines that can be used in DOS-based systems with a Borland...
Distribution planning for a divergent depotless two-echelon network under service constraints
In this paper we discuss a distribution planning procedure for a system consisting of...
Modeling innovation processes for decision support and management simulation
The article describes results from an ongoing research project that was started...
A system dynamics model for a mixed-strategy game between police and driver
Game theorists have recommended many reasonable strategies in policy problems, using,...
System dynamics in software project management: Towards the development of a formal integrated framework
Successful software development is becoming increasingly important to many companies....
An object-oriented modeling and simulation environment for reactive systems development
An environment to support the modeling, analysis, simulation, and development of state...
Rare-event simulation for multistage production-inventory systems
We consider the problem of precise estimation of service-level measures in multistage...
Providing information system support for simulations using the Cassandra+ system
A Query-Driven Simulation (QDS) system Cassandra + is described that allows...
FedEx generates bid lines using simulated annealing
We built a bid-line generator to help Federal Express perform what-if analyses of work...
Searching for targets who want to be found
The paper reports some simulation results for models of the types of search that might...
An investigation into the relationship of heuristic performance with network-resource characteristics
Constrained resources project management heuristics are analyzed and their performance...
Simulated annealing simulated
The performance of simulated annealing methods for finding a global minimum point of a...
A graphical discrete event simulation environment
The ability of frequently update a similation model in the light of new problem...
Polynomial metamodelling and Taguchi designs in simulation with application to the maintenance float system
This paper presents a new approach to modeling maintenance float systems via...
Optimal number of digits to report
Instrumentation, computation, and documentation often involve the task of reporting a...
A scaled stochastic approximation algorithm
Consider a stochastic system of such complexity that its performance can only be...
General conditions for bounded relative error in simulations of highly reliable Markovian systems
The paper establishes a necessary condition for any importance sampling scheme to give...
Designing experiments for selecting an exponential population with a large location and a large scale
The paper considers a selection goal for selecting the exponential population with the...
A note on the conservative multivariate Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison procedure
In this article, the conservative simultaneous confidence intervals for pairwise...
A new graphical tests for multivariate normality
A new methodology for assessing distributional assumptions of multivariate data, with...
Entropy-based random number evaluation
Previous work has shown how to test a simple hypothesis of uniformity on the interval...
Sustainable development: Old conundrums, new discords
This paper represents the text of the obligatory talk given by the author on receipt...
Reinterpreting ‘generic structure’: Evolution, application and limitations of a concept
This paper traces the evolution of the generic structure concept in system dynamics...
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