Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with material ordering under bonus‐penalty policies
This study emphasizes that project scheduling and material ordering (time and quantity...
Optimal replacement policy based on maximum repair time for a random shock and wear model
We study a δ shock and wear model in which the system can fail due to the...
Continuous location model of a rectangular barrier facility
This paper develops a bi‐objective model for determining the location, size,...
Managing Posterior Price Matching: The Role of Customer Boundedly Rational Expectations
The posterior price‐matching policy, whereby a firm promises to reimburse the...
Mitigating Spillover in Online Retailing via Replenishment
Online purchases constitute about one‐tenth of U.S. retail sales. The supply...
Game-theoretic methods for locating camera towers and scheduling surveillance
We develop techniques to optimise the locations and surveillance scheduling of...
Hybridisation effect on operating costs and optimal sizing of components for hybrid electric vehicles
Reductions of fuel consumption and gas emissions count among the main advantages of...
Real-time multimodal transport path planning based on a pulse neural network model
A modified pulse‐coupled neural network (MPCNN) model is designed for...
On Kernelization and Approximation for the Vector Connectivity Problem
In the Vector Connectivity problem we are given an undirected graph G = ( V , E ) , a...
Scheduling with Deadlines and Buffer Management with Processing Requirements
We discuss the well known online job scheduling problem with release times and...
How to Sort by Walking and Swapping on Paths and Trees
Consider a graph G with n vertices. On each vertex we place a box. The n vertices and...
An Experimental Evaluation of the Best-of-Many Christofides’ Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Recent papers on approximation algorithms for the traveling salesman problem (TSP)...
Exact Approaches for Designing Multifacility Buy-at-Bulk Networks
We study a problem that integrates buy‐at‐bulk network design into the...
Fast Approximation Methods for Online Scheduling of Outpatient Procedure Centers
This paper presents a new model for online decision making. Motivated by the...
Semi-fair design of emergency service system with failing centers
This paper deals with the semi‐fair emergency system design problem with...
Newsvendor problem under complete uncertainty: a case of innovative products
The paper presents a new scenario‐based decision rule for the classical version...
Probabilistic time-dependent vehicle routing problem
The probabilistic time‐dependent vehicle routing problem is presented in this...
Frequency assignment problem in networks with limited spectrum
The frequency assignment problem (FAP) asks for assigning frequencies (channels) in a...
Two-echelon location routing synchronized with production schedules and time windows
In this paper we study a problem that arose while planning the delivery of perishable...
Hybrid genetic algorithms with selective crossover for the capacitated p-median problem
The paper suggests two ways of combining a genetic algorithm with integer programming...
Economic model predictive inventory routing and control
The paper proposes an economic model predictive control (EMPC) strategy for the...
Computing cyclic invariants for molecular graphs
Ring structures in molecules belong to the most important substructures for many...
New upper bound on m-time-relaxed k-broadcast graphs
Broadcasting is a process in which an individual has an item of information which...
Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem preprocessing: Theory and empirical analysis
The Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization problem (QUBO) has become a unifying...
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