Keyword: supply & supply chains

Found 1193 papers in total
Inventory policies for a supplier facing mixed periodic demand in a single‐supplier multi‐retailer supply chain
Inventory policies are investigated for a supplier facing multiple retailers in a...
Analysis on multi‐stage lot streaming: The effect of transfer
Shortening manufacturing lead time and then gaining time‐based competitive...
Supply chain network operations management of a blood banking system with cost and risk minimization
Blood service operations are a key component of the healthcare system all over the...
Performance evaluation of a synchronization station with multiple inputs and population constraints
Synchronization stations are commonly used to model kitting operations in...
Manufacturing network simulation using a data‐driven model
The globalisation of markets and worldwide competition forces manufacturing...
Agricultural planning of annual plants under demand, maturation, harvest, and yield risk
In this study we present a planning methodology for a firm whose objective is to match...
Pooling through lateral transshipments in service parts systems
We study the inventory management problem of a service center operating in a...
A dynamic programming approach for agent's bidding strategy in TAC‐SCM game
Intelligent agents have been developed for a number of e‐commerce applications...
Mutual impacts of product standardization and supply chain design
This paper deals with two major issues for industries; the product design and the...
Modelling quality in replacement and inspection maintenance
Heterogeneity in component and maintenance quality is considered in the context of...
Channel coordination with the newsvendor model using asymmetric information
In this paper, after surveying short‐term two‐echelon supply channel...
Mapping the supply chain of anti‐malarial drugs in Sub‐Saharan African countries
With malaria emerging as one of the deadliest infectious diseases for young children...
A production–transportation problem with piecewise linear cost structures
In this paper, we study a multistage production–transportation problem for a...
Optimal newsvendor policies for dual‐sourcing supply chains: A disruption risk management framework
We propose generic single period (newsvendor‐type) inventory models for...
Dynamic routing under recurrent and non‐recurrent congestion using real‐time ITS information
In just‐in‐time (JIT) manufacturing environments, on‐time...
Collaboration among small shippers in a transportation market
Intense competition in markets is pushing companies to increase their operational...
Stability and monotonicity in newsvendor situations
This study considers a supply chain that consists of n retailers, each of them facing...
Importance of verifying queue model assumptions before planning with simulation software
This case study uses empirical data gathered at an Australian refinery to verify the...
On the exact calculation of the fill rate in a periodic review inventory policy under discrete demand patterns
The primary goal of this paper is the development of a generalized method to compute...
Official recycling and scavengers: Symbiotic or conflicting?
Nowadays, especially in developed countries, the traditional collection of...
Scatter search for the stochastic travel‐time vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick‐ups and deliveries
In parallel with the growth of both domestic and international economies, there have...
The effectiveness of manufacturer vs. retailer rebates within a newsvendor framework
This paper studies the impact of direct rebates to the end customer from the...
Sales effort free riding and coordination with price match and channel rebate
This paper studies sales effort coordination for a supply chain with one manufacturer...
Dual role of price and myopia in a marketing channel
In this paper we study a dynamic two‐player channel where the manufacturer...
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