Journal: Management Science

Found 3158 papers in total
Accounting implications of corporate diversification
This study investigates the direct effects of corporate diversification on accounting...
Conflict management in a computer-supported meeting environment
Computer systems to support decision-making, planning, and negotiation in groups have...
Models of tradeoffs in a hierarchical structure of objectives
Multiattribute utility models and cost-benefit models often arrange the objectives...
Dynamic bargaining with transaction costs
A buyer and seller alternate making offers until an offer is accepted or someone...
Final-offer arbitration under incomplete information
In recent years, final-offer arbitration (FOA) has become increasingly frequent means...
Optimal linear opinion pools
Consider a decision problem involving a group of m Bayesians in which each member...
Problem restructuring in negotiation
To achieve movement towards a negotiated settlement, it is often necessary to...
Restructurable representations of negotiation
The paper introduces restructurable modelling of negotiation aimed at supporting...
Airline buyout: Evolutionary systems design and problem restructuring in group decision and negotiation
The paper discusses problem restructuring involving evolution of the problem...
The judgment policies of negotiators and the structure of negotiation problems
The structure of negotiation problems refers to characteristics of their feasible...
Deriving and analysing optimal strategies in Bayesian models of games
Wilson gives a backwards induction algorithm for sequentially obtaining the optimal...
Information technology for negotiating groups: Generating options for mutual gain
The study of negotiating groups, whether distributive between competing parties (i.e....
Computer support of groups: Theory-based models for GDSS research
Empirical research in the area of computer support of groups is characterized by...
Optimal inspection policy in sequential screening
Under sequential screening, a production lot is inspected item-by-item; the decision...
Interaction of judgemental and statistical forecasting methods: Issues and analysis
This paper reviews several of the current controversies in the relative value of...
Algorithms for the multi-resource generalized assignment problem
The multi-resource generalized assignment problem is encountered when a set of tasks...
Extensions of Palm’s theorem: A review
This note reviews the transient behavior the M/G/• queue with nonhomogeneous...
The efficiency of one long run versus independent replications in steady-state simulation
The paper evaluates the efficiency of one long run versus independent replications in...
An extensible visual environment for construction and analysis of hierarchically-structured models of resource contention systems
The development of models for evaluating the performance of resource contention...
Cyclical schedules for capacitated lot sizing with dynamic demands
Cyclical scheduling, where the time between production periods for each item is...
A balance model for evaluating firms for acquisition
In recent years, the U.S. corporate world has been dominated by a spectacular spate of...
Storing crossmatched blood: A perishable inventory model with prior allocation
The process of testing a sample of a patient’s blood against units of blood from...
Modelling effectiveness-equity trade-offs in public service delivery systems
Distributional equity is a particularly salient objective in public sector decision...
SSB and weighted linear utility as expected utility with suspicion
The authors show that a ‘suspicious’ subjective expected utility (SEU)...
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