Journal: Organization Science

Found 550 papers in total
Revisiting the Small-Firm Effect on Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Firm Dissolutions
Afrequent claim in the entrepreneurship literature is that employees learn to become...
Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces
This paper examines the effects of employer social responsibility on the wages workers...
New Blood as an Elixir of Youth: Effects of Human Capital Tenure on the Explorative Capability of Aging Firms
The relationship between firm age and innovation has been an enduring topic of...
Making Snowflakes Like Stocks: Stretching, Bending, and Positioning to Make Financial Market Analogies Work in Online Advertising
Analogies to financial markets have proven powerful in establishing novel or...
Educational Mismatch, Work Outcomes, and Entry Into Entrepreneurship
A growing body of research explores how employees’ organizational context shapes...
Turning Back the Clock in Baseball: The Increased Prominence of Extrinsic Rewards and Demand for Authenticity
This paper addresses why customers at times prefer traditional practices deemed more...
The Rise of Finance and Firm Employment Dynamics
This article sheds light on the ongoing employment stagnation in the United States by...
The Moderating Role of Submarket Dynamics on the Product Customization‐Firm Survival Relationship
In this paper, we examine how the provision of product customization services affects...
Stronger Than the Sum of Its Parts? The Performance Implications of Peer Control Combinations in Teams
Integrating theorizing on situational strength and complementarity with control...
The Ratings Game: Asymmetry in Classification
Categorization processes are generally treated as consistent mappings of the...
Identity Realization and Organizational Forms: Differentiation and Consolidation of Identities Among Arizona's Charter Schools
Organizations in an emerging organizational population face an identity problem....
Rational Decision Making as Performative Praxis: Explaining Rationality's Éternel Retour
Organizational theorists built their knowledge of decision making through a...
Dealing with Unusual Experiences: A Narrative Perspective on Organizational Learning
Experiences that do not fit squarely into known categories pose a challenge to notions...
Practice as the Site of Knowing: Insights from the Field of Telemedicine
This paper aims to shift the unit of analysis in the study of organisational knowledge...
When Employees Do Bad Things for Good Reasons: Examining Unethical Pro‐Organizational Behaviors
We propose that employees sometimes engage in unethical acts with the intent to...
Location, Decentralization, and Knowledge Sources for Innovation
When firms seek to innovate, they must decide where to locate their innovation...
Real Options and Investment Mode: Evidence from Corporate Venture Capital and Acquisition
Existing research has used real options theory to study corporate venture capital...
What I Like About You: A Multilevel Study of Shareholder Discontent with Director Monitoring
Each year shareholders, via exercise of their proxy votes, have the opportunity to...
More Than Adopters: Competing Influences in the Interlocking Directorate
This study explores the competing influences of different types of board interlocks on...
Stewardship or Agency? A Social Embeddedness Reconciliation of Conduct and Performance in Public Family Businesses
Two contradictory perspectives of family business conduct and performance are...
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How High‐Status Individuals Decrease Group Effectiveness
Can groups become effective simply by assembling high‐status individual...
Getting Even or Being at Odds? Cohesion in Even‐ and Odd‐Sized Small Groups
We propose that even‐sized small groups often experience lower cohesion than...
Relational Outcomes of Multicommunicating: Integrating Incivility and Social Exchange Perspectives
New communication technologies, increased virtual communication, and the intense...
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