Journal: Organization Science

Found 550 papers in total
Promoted Up But Also Out? The Unintended Consequences of Increasing Women’s Representation in Managerial Roles in Engineering
Engineering remains one of the most highly and persistently sex segregated occupations...
The Effects of Corporate Venture Capital, Founder Incumbency, and Their Interaction on Entrepreneurial Firms’ R&D Investment Strategies
Corporate venture capital (CVC) investment has increasingly become an important source...
Practice Transfer in Organizations: The Role of Governance Mode for Internal and External Fit
This study leverages multinational corporations (MNCs) as a research context to...
Make Them Feel: How the Disclosure of Pregnancy to a Supervisor Leads to Changes in Perceived Supervisor Support
Personal disclosure at work can help facilitate high‐quality relationships;...
Gender and Negative Network Ties: Exploring Difficult Work Relationships Within and Across Gender
This study applies a social network approach toward understanding gender and negative...
Cognition, Technology, and Organizational Limits: Lessons from the Air France 447 Disaster
Organizations, particularly those for whom safety and reliability are crucial, develop...
A Sociocognitive View of Repeated Interfirm Exchanges: How the Coevolution of Trust and Learning Impacts Subsequent Contracts
I augment the study of repeated interfirm exchanges with social cognition to expand...
Measuring Up? Persistence and Change in Analysts’ Evaluative Schemas Following Technological Change
We examine shifts in how analysts assess the strategies of incumbent firms following a...
Drawing Snow White and Animating Buzz Lightyear: Technological Toolkit Characteristics and Creativity in Cross-Disciplinary Teams
The use of technological tools to execute creative tasks is pervasive within...
The Influence of Hierarchy on Idea Generation and Selection in the Innovation Process
The link between organizational structure and innovation has been a longstanding...
Content as Community Regulator: The Recursive Relationship Between Consumption and Contribution in Open Collaboration Communities
Companies increasingly rely on open collaboration communities to create knowledge and...
Organizational Structure and Performance Feedback: Centralization, Aspirations, and Termination Decisions
This study examines the effects of organizational structure and performance feedback...
Institutional Barriers to Growth: Entrepreneurship, Human Capital and Institutional Change
Prior research often focuses on how many entrepreneurial firms are created, rather...
Knowledge Utilization, Coordination, and Team Performance
Considerable research has established the superior performance of teams on which team...
How Do Plural-Sourcing Firms Make and Buy? The Impact of Supplier Portfolio Design
This paper uses the notion of contracting strategy to advance research on plural...
Social Business Hybrids: Demand Externalities, Competitive Advantage, and Growth Through Diversification
Organization scholars have recently studied the internal challenges and opportunities...
Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation
Large companies initiate many new businesses, but few of them reach scale. The...
A Laughing Matter: Patterns of Laughter and the Effectiveness of Working Dyads
Poor communication in teams has been found to result in disappointing team...
Institutional Equivalence: How Industry and Community Peers Influence Corporate Philanthropy
This paper explores how organizations respond to simultaneous institutional influences...
Do Political Connections Buffer Firms from or Bind Firms to the Government? A Study of Corporate Charitable Donations of Chinese Firms
Do political connections buffer firms from or bind firms to the government? To examine...
Perspective–A New Look at Conflict Management in Work Groups
Members of work groups are highly interdependent and often share incompatible values,...
A Multilevel Analysis of the Performance Implications of Excess Control in Business Groups
A central premise of business groups is that controlling shareholders seize...
Occupational Survival Through Field-Level Task Integration: Systems Men, Production Planners, and the Computer, 1940s‐1990s
This paper examines how occupational groups survive the introduction of a new...
A Behavioral Understanding of Investment Horizon and Firm Performance
Observers have argued that firms overly emphasize short‐term results at the...
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