Journal: Mathematics In Transport Planning and Control

Found 35 papers in total
Computer supported planning of aircraft ground handling personnel
The paper presents a method and algorithms developed to assist in personnel planning....
The Gatwick Rapid Transit Systems
Consideration is given to the queue lengths and delays experienced by passengers...
A probabilistic model for estimating travel choice
A travel choice model is proposed. It is derived from the hypothesis that travel...
Crowding levels and fare classes in public transport
In this paper attention will be restricted to fare class systems where there is no...
Evolving application of mathematical optimisation in design and operation of individual signal-controlled road junctions
A mathematical framework for optimisation of the sequencing and timing of traffic...
Ward level modelling of cycling to work
Examination of the 1981 census data showed significant differences in the cycle share...
Estimation of trip matrices from traffic counts: An equilibrium approach
This paper examines the problem of estimating origin-destination trip matrices from...
Phase-based optimisation of isolated signal-controlled junctions: Sensitivity analysis and a treatment of double green phases
This paper describes a phase-based approach to optimisation of fixed time traffic...
Sequencing of traffic signals
Optimisation of signal timings at a road junction involves the calculation of both...
A theoretical model for the permissive right-turn capacity of shared lanes with an opposed flow at traffic signals
This paper presents a theoretical model for the calculation of shared lane capacity...
Multicriteria signal plan choice at an isolated intersection
This paper describes a procedure for calculating the signal plan for an isolated...
Variability of traffic conditions at junction approaches in the light of non-stationary flow demands
The effects of traffic flow demand variability in time are of particular interest in...
SAM-A Stochastic Assignment Model
Many previous empirical studies have demonstrated multi-routeing: the phenomenon...
The SPI (Stepwise Path Increment) algorithm applied to solve the traffic assignment problem with fixed demand
In the traffic assignment problem with fixed demand, the travel time or link cost may...
Trees, cycles and sensitivity of the traffic assignment problem
The authors consider the sensitivity of the solution of the traffic assignment problem...
Equilibrium traffic assignment with two vehicle types
This paper considers the steady-state equilibrium assignment problem in which two...
Spatial sampling considerations involved in modelling speeds on rural single carriageway roads in Scotland
The paper illustrates the risk of bias in spatial sampling arising from spatial...
Traffic behaviour at diverges on dual carriageway roads
In order to give a better understanding of traffic behaviour at diverges, traffic...
A design tool to identify those elements of a road network necessary to support an efficient traffic routeing pattern
In an urban road network, with its relative density of junctions, it is the...
Road planning in rural areas of developing countries
This paper offers a planning model for the design of rural road networks for a country...
Vehicle responsive traffic signal control
A number of attempts have been made to develop discrete time optimising approaches to...
Pelican crossings-The development of a simulation model to evaluate operating strategies
The paper reviews the development of Pelican crossings and describes the application...
Surveying traffic delays at a roundabout near Plymouth
Traffic delay models can be no more accurate than the data on which they are based....
Some observations on the impaired operation of buses in central urban corridors
This paper presents results from a study of bus operation along a congested corridor...
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