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Found 17049 papers in total
Affect, empathy, and regressive mispredictions of others' preferences under risk
Making effective decisions under risk often requires making accurate predictions of...
The optimizer's curse: Skepticism and postdecision surprise in decision analysis
Decision analysis produces measures of value such as expected net present values or...
Uncertainty aversion with second-order utilities and probabilities
Subjective expected utility theory does not distinguish between attitudes toward...
The effect of payoff feedback and information pooling on reasoning errors: Evidence from experimental markets
A vast literature shows that individuals frequently violate normative principles in...
Four score and seven years from now: The date/delay effect in temporal discounting
We describe a new anomaly in intertemporal choice – the ‘date/delay...
Selection procedures with frequentist expected opportunity cost bounds
Selection procedures help identify the best of a finite set of simulated alternatives....
Improving preference assessment: Limiting the effect of context through pre-exposure to attribute levels
This paper introduces a technique for improving preference assessment by reducing the...
Intuitions about combining opinions: Misappreciation of the averaging principle
Averaging estimates is an effective way to improve accuracy when combining expert...
Simple models for multiattribute choice with many alternatives: When it does and does not pay to face trade-offs with binary attributes
Given the difficulties people experience in making trade-offs, what are the...
Subjective probability assessment in decision analysis: Partition dependence and bias toward the ignorance prior
Decision and risk analysts have considerable discretion in designing procedures for...
Choice-based elicitation and decomposition of decision weights for gains and losses under uncertainty
This paper reports the results of an experimental parameter-free elicitation and...
Eliciting informative feedback: The peer-prediction method
Many recommendation and decision processes depend on eliciting evaluations of...
Three new tests of independence that differentiate models of risky decision making
This paper tests new ‘independence’ properties to compare three models of...
Your money or your life: A prescriptive model for health, safety, and consumption decisions
In this paper we develop a conceptual framework and model for valuing risks to an...
A general, analytic method for generating robust strategies and narrative scenarios
Robustness is a key criterion for evaluating alternative decisions under conditions of...
Risky choices and correlated background risk
The analysis of a risky project should take into account not only uncertainties about...
Dynamic power control in a wireless static channel subject to a quality-of-service constraint
A controller dynamically chooses a state-dependent transmission rate on a static,...
Management control for market transactions: The relation between transaction characteristics, incomplete contract design, and subsequent performance
Using an unusually comprehensive database on 858 transactions for information...
Pricing and resource allocation in caching services with multiple levels of quality of service
Network caches are the storage centers in the supply chain for content delivery...
The effect of asymmetric bidder size on an auction's performance: Are more bidders always better?
One commonly held belief in designing auctions is that increasing the number of...
Step-level reasoning and bidding in auctions
Step-level models of reasoning (SLR) proved to be very successful in predicting...
Conspicuous consumption and sophisticated thinking
Consumers purchase conspicuous goods to satisfy not only material needs but also...
Capacity management in rental businesses with two customer bases
We consider the allocation of capacity in a system in which rental equipment is...
George B. Dantzig: operations research icon; a tribute
This article recalls some of George B. Dantzig's many contributions to operations...
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