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Found 17049 papers in total
Recovering cyclic schedules using dynamic produce-up-to policies
We consider facilities that follow a cyclic schedule to replenish the inventory of a...
The effects of financial risks on inventory policy
The effect of financial risks on (R, Q) inventory policies is analyzed in a real...
Integrated lot sizing in serial supply chains with production capacities
We consider a model for a serial supply chain in which production, inventory, and...
Inventory management for an assembly system with product or component returns
This paper considers an inventory system with an assembly structure. In addition to...
Sell first, fix later: impact of patching on software quality
We present a model of fixing or patching a software problem after the product has been...
Environmental volatility, development decisions, and software volatility: a longitudinal analysis
Although product development research often focuses on activities prior to product...
Patent protection, complementary assets, and firms' incentives for technology licensing
This paper analyzes the relationship between technology licensing and the...
Continual corporate entrepreneurial search for long-term growth
This paper examines how established firms conduct continual entrepreneurial search for...
Social capital, geography, and survival: Gujarati immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S. lodging industry
Immigrant entrepreneurs often rely on their group's local social capital in their new...
Multistage selection and the financing of new ventures
Using a random sample of 221 new Swedish ventures initiated in 1998, we examine why...
Venture capitalists and cooperative start-up commercialization strategy
This paper examines the possible impact of venture capital (VC) backing on the...
The personal computer and entrepreneurship
In contrast to the large and rapidly growing literature on information technology (IT)...
Overoptimism and the performance of entrepreneurial firms
Recent theoretical and empirical research on cognitive bias in decision making...
A hubris theory of entrepreneurship
This paper develops a hubris theory of entrepreneurship to explain why so many new...
Introduction to the focused issue on entrepreneurship
This article is an introduction to the focused issue on entrepreneurship. It provides...
In search of complementarity in innovation strategy: Internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition
Empirical research on complementarity between organizational design decisions has...
Entry by spinoffs
Entry by spinoffs from incumbent firms is investigated for the laser industry. A model...
The making of a ‘hot product’: a signaling explanation of marketers' scarcity strategy
Every marketer's dream is to create a ‘hot product’ that customers would...
A unified mathematical programming framework for different statistical disclosure limitation methods
This paper concerns statistical disclosure control methods to minimize information...
Using capital markets as market intelligence: evidence from the pharmaceutical industry
Financial theory posits that capital markets convey through stock prices their...
The effectiveness of simple decision heuristics: forecasting commercial success for early-stage ventures
We investigate the decision heuristics used by experts to forecast that early-stage...
Weak-form and semi-strong-form stock return predictability revisited
This paper makes indirect inference about the time variation in expected stock returns...
Effective heuristics for multiproduct partial shipment models
Motivated by real applications, we consider the problem of shipping products to...
The impact of duplicate orders on demand estimation and capacity investment
Motivated by a $2.2 billion inventory write-off by Cisco Systems, we...
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