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Found 17049 papers in total
Reverse channel design: the case of competing retailers
The economical and environmental benefits of product remanufacturing have been widely...
Tailored supply chain decision making under price-sensitive stochastic demand and delivery uncertainty
In this paper, we study a serial two-echelon supply chain selling a procure-to-stock...
Better, faster, cheaper: an experimental analysis of a multiattribute reverse auction mechanism with restricted information feedback
The majority of reverse auctions for procurement use a single-attribute (price) format...
Optimizing the supply chain configuration for new products
We address how to configure the supply chain for a new product for which the design...
Rendezvous on a planar lattice
We analyze the optimal behavior of two players who are lost on a planar surface and...
Rendezvous-evasion search in two boxes
An agent (who may or may not want to be found) is located in one of two boxes. At time...
Increasing risk and increasing informativeness: equivalence theorems
When considering problems of sequential decision making under uncertainty, two of the...
Risk management with benchmarking
Portfolio theory must address the fact that, in reality, portfolio managers are...
Multiplicative background risk
Although there has been much attention in recent years on the effects of additive...
Skewness preference, risk aversion, and the precedence relations on stochastic changes
This paper provides a general choice-theoretic characterization of the trade-off...
Selling and leasing strategies for durable goods with complementary products
It has been recognized that when a durable goods manufacturer sells its output, it has...
Developments in retail logistics towards generating more consumer value
In this article, the authors distinguish between in-store and out-store logistics....
On the value of flexibility in R&D projects
In this paper, we consider whether an increase in uncertainty increases the value of a...
Allocation of service time in a multiserver system
Reducing congestion is a primary concern in the design and analysis of queueing...
A note on closure properties of failure rate distributions
Increasing generalized failure rate (IGFR) distributions were introduced as a tool in...
Quality implications of warranties in a supply chain
We examine a supply chain in which the final product consists of components made by a...
Contingent portfolio programming for the management of risky projects
Methods for selecting a research and development (R&D) project portfolio have...
Proactive and reactive product line strategies: asymmetries between market leaders and followers
To what extent do firms engage in product line actions simultaneously with actions in...
Optimal project rejection and new firm start-ups
We study the decision of an established firm to commercialize innovations. An...
Inventory policies in a decentralized assembly system
We consider a system in which a single finished good is assembled from two components....
An optimal lot-sizing and offline inspection policy in the case of nonrigid demand
A batch production process that is initially in the in-control state can fail with...
Serial agile production systems with automation
To gain insights into the design and control of manufacturing cells with automation,...
Maximum entropy utility
This paper presents a method to assign utility values when only partial information is...
Requirements planning with pricing and order selection flexibility
Past requirements-planning research has typically assumed that the firm's demands are...
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