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Found 17049 papers in total
Impact of licensing on investment and financing of technology development
Technology innovations continue to be one of the greatest drivers of economic growth....
Inventory planning with forecast updates: approximate solutions and cost error bounds
We consider a finite-horizon, periodic-review inventory model with demand forecasting...
Are base-stock policies optimal in inventory problems with multiple delivery modes?
We present a periodic review inventory model with multiple delivery modes. While...
Optimal policy for a multiechelon inventory system with remanufacturing
We analyze a multiechelon inventory system with inventory stages arranged in series....
Optimal order quantities with remanufacturing across new product generations
We address the problem of determining the optimal retailer order quantities from a...
The cost allocation problem for the first order interaction joint replenishment model
We consider an infinite-horizon deterministic joint replenishment problem with first...
Generalized notions of concavity with an application to capacity management
We introduce a generalization of K -concavity termed weak ( K 1 , K 2 )-concavity and...
Optimizing strategic safety stock placement in supply chains with clusters of commonality
Multiechelon inventory optimization is increasingly being applied by business users as...
Joint inventory replenishment and pricing control for systems with uncertain yield and demand
We study the joint inventory replenishment and pricing problem for production systems...
Production and inventory control of a single product assemble-to-order system with multiple customer classes
We consider the optimal production and inventory control of an assemble-to-order...
Measuring and mitigating the costs of stockouts
There is now an extensive theoretical literature investigating optimal inventory...
A 2-OPT procedure to reduce total inspection time in a serial inspection process
In this paper, a 2-OPT based procedure is proposed to solve the test-sequencing...
Introduction of new technologies to competing industrial customers
Motivated by several examples from industry, such as the introduction of a...
Exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and performance: effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators
Research on exploration and exploitation is burgeoning, yet our understanding of the...
Expected value of distribution information for the newsvendor problem
This paper extends previous work on the distribution-free newsvendor problem, where...
A data disclosure policy for count data based on the COM–Poisson distribution
Count data arise in various organizational settings. When the release of such data is...
Selectively acquiring customer information: a new data acquisition problem and an active learning-based solution
This paper presents a new information acquisition problem motivated by business...
Strategic commitments for an optimal capacity decision under asymmetric forecast information
We study the important problem of how to assure credible forecast information sharing...
A framework using two-factor price lattices for generation asset valuation
In this paper, we use a real-options framework to value a power plant. The real option...
On the effects of dimension reduction techniques on some high-dimensional problems in finance
Many problems in finance can be formulated as high-dimensional integrals, which are...
Efficient Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo option pricing under the variance gamma model
We develop and study efficient Monte Carlo algorithms for pricing path-dependent...
Reclaiming quasi-Monte Carlo efficiency in portfolio value-at-risk simulation through Fourier transform
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods overcome the problem of sample clustering in regular Monte...
Zero-based budgeting in China: experiences of Hubei Province
Sometimes regarded as the best method of prioritizing budgetary expenditures,...
Assessing China's 1994 fiscal reforms: an intermediate report
To boost the fiscal revenue, i.e., government revenue over GDP and central government...
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