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Found 17049 papers in total
Discrete optimization via simulation using COMPASS
We propose an optimization-via-simulation algorithm, called COMPASS, for use when the...
The multiobjective discrete optimization problem: a weighted min–max two-stage optimization approach and a bicriteria algorithm
We study the multiple objective discrete optimization problem and propose two-stage...
Behavioral estimation of mathematical programming objective function coefficients
We propose a parameter estimation method based on what we call the minimum decisional...
Dynamic aggregation of set-partitioning constraints in column generation
Column generation is often used to solve problems involving set-partitioning...
Reduce-and-split cuts: improving the performance of mixed-integer Gomory cuts
Mixed-integer Gomory cuts have become an integral part of state-of-the-art software...
Selected topics in column generation
Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition and column generation, devised for linear programs,...
Majorization algorithms for inspecting circles, ellipses, squares, rectangles, and rhombi
In several disciplines as diverse as shape analysis, location theory, quality control,...
Solving large-scale linear multicommodity flow problems with an active set strategy and proximal-analytic center cutting-plane method
In this paper, we propose to solve the linear multicommodity flow problem using a...
Robust control of Markov decision processes with uncertain transition matrices
Optimal solutions to Markov decision problems may be very sensitive with respect to...
Fine-tuning of algorithms using fractional experimental designs and local search
Researchers and practitioners frequently spend more time fine-tuning algorithms than...
Bounding distributions for the weight of a minimum spanning tree in stochastic networks
This paper considers the problem of determining the distribution of the weight W of a...
System-optimal routing of traffic flows with user constraints in networks with congestion
The design of route guidance systems faces a well-known dilemma. The approach that...
Transshipment and its impact on supply chain members' performance
This note extends some of the key results of Dong and Rudi to general demand...
Optimal policies for transshipping inventory in a retail network
Motivated by recent reports of improved customer service facilitated by the use of...
Cost-effective transport choices for wholesaler-distributors using transport probability
Logistics choices will have an increasingly larger impact on wholesaler-distributors....
Organizational learning curves for customer dissatisfaction: heterogeneity across airlines
In the extensive literature on learning curves, scholars have ignored outcome measures...
Preferences, identity, and competition: predicting tie strength from demographic data
This research examines the combined influence of three causal mechanisms shaping...
Online auctions: dynamic pricing and the lodging industry
The traditional channels of distribution for overnight accommodations are rapidly...
Demand for hotel spending by visitors to Hong Kong: a study of various forecasting techniques
The accurate forecasting of demand for hotel spending is crucial for hoteliers, in...
Buyer decision-making behavior in international tourism channels
Despite the development and maintenance of effective channel relationships in...
Maximizing the success of balanced scorecard implementation in the hospitality industry
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is increasingly being adopted by firms in the corporate...
Firefighter staffing including temporary absences and wastage
We examine the problem of determining the annual staffing level that minimizes total...
A stochastic salvo model for naval surface combat
In this paper, we propose a stochastic version of the salvo model for modern naval...
A two-sided optimization for theater ballistic missile defense
We describe JOINT DEFENDER, a new two-sided optimization model for planning the...
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