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Found 17049 papers in total
Responding to emergencies: lessons learned and the need for analysis
Large-scale emergency incidents, such as acts of terrorism, human-caused accidents,...
Organizational design and the intensity of rivalry
We analyze the effect of managerial compensation schemes and organizational structure...
Coordination in fast-response organizations
Organizational coordination has traditionally been viewed from an...
Identifying sources of heterogeneity for empirically deriving strategic types: a constrained finite-mixture structural-equation methodology
The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm suggests that strategic deployment of...
Stochastic dominance and cumulative prospect theory
We generalize and extend the second-order stochastic dominance condition for expected...
A piecewise-diffusion model of new-product demands
The Bass Model (BM) is a widely-used framework in marketing for the study of...
Quality-based competition, profitability, and variable costs
We consider the impact of variable production costs on competitive behavior in a...
Reconsideration of the winner-take-all hypothesis: complex networks and local bias
The literature on network effects has popularized a hypothesis that competition...
Note on self-restraint as an online entry-deterrence strategy
We develop a game-theoretical model to show that in the markets where price...
Measuring cross-category price effects with aggregate store data
Our objective is to understand the cross-category effects of marketing activities...
Project assignments when budget padding taints resource allocation
This paper shows that rotation programs can be an effective response to concerns of...
Optimal mechanisms with finite agent types
In some mechanism design problems, finite-type spaces may be natural ones to consider,...
Planning machine maintenance in two-machine shop scheduling
We consider the two-machine open shop and two-machine flow shop scheduling problems in...
Facility reliability issues in network p-median problems: strategic centralization and co-location effects
In this paper, we analyze a facility location model where facilities may be subject to...
Location choices across the value chain: how activity and capability influence collocation
There has been a recent revival of interest in the geographic component of firm...
Opportunity recognition as the detection of meaningful patterns: evidence from comparisons of novice and experienced entrepreneurs
It is suggested that the recognition of new business opportunities often involves...
A typology of plants in global manufacturing networks
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new, empirically derived typology of plants...
Knowledge gathering, team capabilities, and project performance in challenging work environments
Knowledge gathering can create problems as well as benefits for project teams in work...
Tainted knowledge vs. tempting knowledge: people avoid knowledge from internal rivals and seek knowledge from external rivals
We compare how people react to good ideas authored by internal rivals (employees at...
Technological development and the boundaries of the firm: a knowledge-based examination in semiconductor manufacturing
This paper examines how the knowledge-based view (KBV) can be applied to firm boundary...
The contingent effects of transactive memory: when is it more beneficial to know what others know?
Previous studies have provided evidence of the positive impact of transactive memory...
Optimal capacity investment decisions with two-sided fixed-capacity adjustment costs
In this paper, we consider the optimal management of capacity when a firm faces fixed...
A theory of volatility spreads
This study formalizes the departure between risk-neutral and physical index return...
Strategic investments, trading, and pricing under forecast updating
This paper considers two independent firms that invest in resources such as capacity...
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