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Found 17049 papers in total
A note on the growth of a production planning system: A case study in evolution
In 1985, Liberatore and Miller described the efforts of a ceramic tile manufacturer,...
Optimal bin packing of items of sizes uniformly distributed over
Consider n independent random variables uniformly distributed over and consider the...
Scheduling tasks and vehicles in a flexible manufacturing system
Due to their increasing applicability in modern industry, flexible manufacturing...
Performance management in flexible manufacturing systems
This article treats several performance management decision problems in flexible...
Part input into a flexible flow system: An evaluation of look-ahead simulation and a fuzzy rule base
This article reports an investigation into part-input methods for an implemented...
An iterative approach to system setup problems in flexible manufacturing systems
System setup problems in flexible manufacturing systems deal with short-term planning...
Work flow control in the flexible flow line
This research involves the development and evaluation of a part flow control model for...
Cutting-tool management in computer-integrated manufacturing
The problem of cutting tool management has been brought to the forefront with the...
Evaluating the design of flexible manufacturing systems
Evaluating the design of flexible manufacturing systems is complex. Developing a...
A decision-making approach to the operation of flexible manufacturing systems
This paper introduces a generic decision-making framework for assigning resources of a...
Flexible versus dedicated technology: A capacity expansion model
Over the past two decades, flexible manufacturing systems have been adopted in a...
Developing a computer control system for a flexible manufacturing cell
This article focuses on the development of a computer control system for a flexible...
Calculating light traffic limits for sojourn times in open Markovian queueing system
Let be the m th moment of the sojourn time distribution for some particular customer...
Perturbation analysis of the M/M/1 queue in a Markovian environment via the matrix-geometric method
In this paper, the authors consider a family of queues in which customers according to...
Variance of the sample mean: Properties and graphs of quadratic-form estimators
Many commonly used estimators of the variance of the sample mean from a...
The bootstrap approach for testing skewness persistence
This study presents a new methodology for testing changes in skewness between time...
Estimating population size by recapture sampling via estimating function
A class of capture-recapture estimators for population size is given via a martingale...
What is the opportunity cost of mean-variance investment strategies?
An analytical framework is set up to evaluate the foregone opportunity cost of...
Limit laws in a stochastic model for profit from units sold under pro rata warranty
A stochastic model is developed describing the profit/loss experienced by a firm...
An optimal replacement period for a parallel system with single and multiple failures
A parallel system of n identical components is subjected to shocks which occur...
Cost allocation and communication
This article considers a special class of cost allocation problems, where the...
Sensitivity analysis of a discrete-time multisector growth model with uncertainty
In this paper the authors consider a nonstationary stochastic multisector growth...
Detecting process shifts with X-Bar charts
This article is a graphical presentation to determine the approximate chances that an...
Bayesian forecasting for seemingly unrelated time series: Application to local government revenue forecasting
One important implementation of Bayesian forecasting is the Multi-State Kalman Filter...
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