Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
West Churchman and Operations Research: Case Institute of Technology, 1951-1957
West Churchman, his philosophy, and his ideas contributed to the formation of the Case...
Investment in knowledge: A generalization of learning by experience
Learning is often perceived as a cost-reducing endogenous by-product of production...
Risk theory in a periodic environment: The Cramér-Lundberg approximation and Lundberg's inequality
A risk process with the claim arrival intensity , the claim size distribution a nd the...
Churchman’s theory of design integrity
The author revisits West Churchman’s masterwork The Design of Inquiring Systems...
A system of systems approaches
Almost every field in the sciences and in the humanities is influenced by the systems...
Can we secure future-responsive management through systems thinking and design?
Future-responsive management may depend on C. West Churchman’s understanding of...
Organizations and their purposes: A note on Churchman’s philosophy of management
In the author’s journey in understanding and appreciating West Churchman’s...
Securing: One man’s quest for the meaning of therefore
C. West Churchman has devoted most of his professional life to understanding the...
May the whole earth be happy: Loka samastat sukhino bhavantu
Teachings of Vedantic philosophy, developed in India several thousand years ago, are...
Management science: Science of managing and managing of science
As the first editor-in-chief of Management Science , I expressed my ambition for the...
Probabilistic a priori routing-location problems
In many routing-location models customers located at nodes of a network generate calls...
The cruel science of world mismanagement: An essay in honor of C. West Churchman
A new philosophy of inquiry in which management and implementation play a central role...
Heuristic optimization of rough-mill yield with production priorities
Efficient lumber utilization at the saw has become a key issue in the woodworking...
Cost analysis and extension of a simple maintenance-scheduling heuristic
Practitioners of maintenance scheduling sometimes use a simple analytic formula,...
Hybrid minimal repair and age replacement maintenance policies, with nonnegligible repair times
A system undergoes minimal repair during [0, T] with a failure replacement on first...
Equipment selection and machine scheduling in general mail facilities
With the goal of fiscal self-sufficiency, the United States Postal Service has...
Competitive pricing by a price leader
The authors examine the problem of pricing in a market where one brand acts as a price...
Selection of product line qualities and prices to signal competitive advantage
The authors investigate a firm’s choice of prices and qualities of a product...
A decision support system for acquisitions budgeting in public libraries
Public libraries are computerizing their activities and producing mountains of...
Coordinating buyer-seller transactions across multiple products
Joint ordering policies are examined as a method for reducing the transactions cost...
Database marketing increases prospecting effectiveness at Merrill Lynch
Establishing new client relationships is critical in the financial services industry....
Computer-aided formulation of silica defoamers for the paper industry
In the manufacture of paper, wood chips are ‘cooked’ in a vat of chemicals...
Modelling and testing for market volatility
Three types of nonlinear models of volatility of market returns based on the...
Correcting casualty estimates
Data from battle simulations can be used to estimate the casualties in real battles....
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