Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Clustering for the design of SONET rings in interoffice telecommunications
Optical fiber systems play an essential role in today’s telecommunications...
Business and technology strategies and new venture performance: A study of the telecommunications equipment industry
In this paper, a set of hypotheses relating competitive and cooperative business...
Stimulating ideas through creativity software
A central task of management is decision making and a crucial aspect of decision...
Oglethorpe Power Corporation decides about investing in a major transmission system
Oglethorpe Power Corporation (OPC) provides wholesale power to consumer-owned...
Approximation procedures for the one-warehouse multi-retailer system
Two heuristic procedures for a one-warehouse multi-retailer system are developed....
Determinants and consequences of management accounting system choice: An empirical analysis
This paper develops and tests a descriptive model of management accounting system...
Budgeting as informed guess work: Has the German budgetary process lost direction?
Budgeting in Germany is characterized by procedural continuities which have developed...
Public expenditure policies in Spain for the 1990s: Structural changes, social demands and the budgetary process
Over the last fifteen years, Spain has undergone a profound transformation in almost...
Fiscal accountability: The Dutch experience
Before 1980 accountability was hardly addressed in Dutch politics. Illustrative is...
Recent developments in public financial management in the European Community: A comparative analysis
This article identifies major public financial management developments in the European...
Information asymmetry, participation, and long-term contracts
This paper examines the economic value of participative processes in the setting of...
Development of measures to assess the extent to which an information technology application provides competitive advantage
In order to measure the extent to which information technology provides competitive...
Does information technology lead to smaller firms?
Many changes in the organization of work in the United States since 1975 have been...
Information assets, technology, and organization
Although there is good reason to expect that the growth of information work and...
A parametric analysis of a constrained nonlinear inventory-production model
The authors discuss in this paper some inventory-production models which can be...
A computer-based inventory management system for spare parts
Describes the design and analysis of a computer-based information system for inventory...
Evaluating echelon stock (R,nQ) policies in serial production/inventory systems with stochastic demand
This paper studies echelon stock ( R,nQ) policies in serial production/inventory...
Lower bounds for multi-echelon stochastic inventory systems
The authors establish lower bounds on the minimum cost of managing certain...
Supernode processing of mixed-integer models
This paper discusses processing software for large scale mixed-integer optimization...
EXPERT-MM: A knowledge-based system for maintenance management
This paper presents an approach to the design and development of knowledge-based...
Trend curve optimal control model for highway pavement maintenance: Case study and evaluation
This paper presents a control theoretic dynamic model for optimizing the timing and...
Investigating the relationship between time in market and pioneering advantage
In field studies based on pre-test market and scanner data, researchers have found...
The impact of leadtime and years of competitive rivalry on pioneer market share advantages
Research has established that for surviving brands, market pioneers have a higher...
Stable barrier-projection and barrier-Newton methods in linear programming
The present paper is devoted to the application of the space transformation techniques...
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