Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Public transit research and development in Germany
This paper provides an overview of the situation of public transit in the Federal...
The target market for methanol fuel
A survey of vehicle owners was conducted in New York State and California to explore...
Spatial aspects of traffic circulation: I. A review of alternative systems
One of the key aims of traffic management is to encourage drivers to follow an...
Spatial aspects of traffic circulation: II. Routing patterns that exactly minimise path crossings
The total number of path crossings between vehicles following different routes on a...
MEUSE: An origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure
This article proposes an improvement of existing methods of origin-destination matrix...
The household activity pattern problem: General formulation and solution
The household activity pattern problem of analyzing/predicting the optimal path of...
An automated highway system simulator
SmartPath is simulation package for an automated highway system (AHS). The program may...
An integrated control approach for traffic corridors
The paper presents a unified approach to the design of integrated control strategies...
A dynamic traffic assignment model with traffic-flow relationships
Conventional traffic assignment methods assume that the origin-destination (OD) demand...
A multi-objective optimization approach to urban school bus routing: Formulation and solution method
This article introduces a multi-objective approach to modeling the urban school bus...
Traffic assignment and signal control in saturated road networks
This article presents a model and a procedure for determining traffic assignment and...
The economics of regulatory parking policies: The (im)possibilities of parking policies in traffic regulation
This article contains an economic analysis of regulatory parking policies as a...
Fleet assignment strategies in urban transportation using express and partial services
This article deals with bus fleet assignment on a route to meet a required timetable...
The cell transmission model, Part II: Network traffic
This article shows how the evolution of multi-commodity traffic flows over complex...
Properties of link travel time functions under dynamic loads
This article examines a general form of link travel time functions considered in the...
Obstructions on horizontal curves: Analysis of exact equation to render the radius explicit
A major shortcoming of the exact equation for calculating the clearance distance to...
A pareto optimum congestion reduction scheme
This article shows that certain congestion reduction schemes have the potential for...
Inland waterway transport in the Federal Republic of Germany: Situation and problems
Inland waterway transport in the Federal Republic of Germany, interconnecting 54 out...
Routing through dynamic ocean currents: General heuristics and empirical results in the Gulf Stream region
Anticipating the availability of good quality ocean current data in the near future,...
Feedforward artificial neural networks for solving discrete multiple criteria decision making problems
Decision making involves choosing some course of action among various alternatives. In...
Metagraphs: A tool for modeling decision support systems
Most decision support systems (DSS) contain stored data, data analysis procedures, and...
Creativity in MS/OR: Training for creativity-Findings in a European context
In past columns I have described many fundamental principles of creative thinking....
Dominance relations among standardized variables
This paper examines stochastic dominance relations among discrete random variables...
Lessons from the marketplace
In the process of consultancy using a negotiation support system, the author learnt...
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