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Found 17049 papers in total
Tandem queue with group arrivals and no intermediate buffer
The paper studies a system with two single-server stations in series. There is an...
Exponential bounds for queues with Markovian arrivals
Exponential bounds probability [queue≥ b]•ℝrsquo;e’-’γ...
Extensions to class dominance characteristics
Balachandran and Schaefer show that if in the individual optimum class A dominates...
A retrial queue with redundancy and unreliable server
Retrial queues are useful in the stochastic modelling of computer and...
On performance comparison of MR/GI/1 queues
In this paper the authors are interested in the effect that dependencies in the...
Kitting process in a stochastic assembly system
In small-lot, multi-product, multi-level assembly systems, kitting (or accumulating)...
Optimal routing of hazardous materials considering risk of spill
The diffusion of gases over wide areas from possible spills during transport of...
A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem
The purpose of this paper is to describe TABUROUTE, a new tabu search heuristic for...
Accessibility of neotraditional neighborhoods: A review of design concepts, policies, and recent literature
Neotraditional neighborhood design (NTND) has gained increasing attention from...
Potential for power generation in a large white rice mill
An energy analysis was conducted on the steam power plant of a large white rice mill....
Utility planning implications of electricity loss reduction in developing countries: The case of Nepal
Electricity loss as a percentage of total electricity generated is very high in most...
Integrated energy system for industrial complexes. II: A casestudy using the LP model
In Part I of the paper, a model of an integrated energy system for an industrial...
Utility planning implications of efficient electric cooking in a developing country: The case of Nepal
The authors examine implications of electric cooking as a demand-side management...
Capturing the correlations of fixed-income instruments
This paper develops a framework for managing portfolios of fixed income instruments...
Valuing Asian and portfolio options by conditioning on the geometric mean price
The valuation of Asian, or average price, options and of European options on...
Fiscal noting reconsidered: The experience of the states with mandate cost estimation
Ten years after the first comprehensive review of fiscal noting in the states,...
Prospects of private forestry around urban centres-A study in upland Nepal
A substantial proportion of the population in the area concerned depends on fuel-wood...
How to make a decision: The analytic hierarchy process
People make three general types of judgments to express importance, preference, or...
Advice for building expert systems: Precepts or proverbs?
Useful criteria for developing and implementing expert systems could provide essential...
How case-based reasoning solves new problems
Case-based reasoning captures lessons from past problem-solving experiences to...
Construction of stationary Markov equilibria in a strategic market game
This paper studies stationary noncooperative equilibria in an economy with fiat money,...
The advantage of deeper pockets in Silverman’s game on intervals
Silverman’s game on (1, B)×(1,B) was analyzed by R.J. Evans, who showed...
The effects of lead time on plant timing and size
An important issue in planning capacity expansion under uncertain demand is the effect...
The political economy of city life cycles: A comparative analysis of services, expenditures and revenues
This paper updates and expands Norton’s 1979 study of the political economy of...
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