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Found 17049 papers in total
Computing Erlang-B function derivatives in the number of servers. A generalized recursion
A new and generic algorithmic approach for calculating the derivatives of order n of...
Knowledge engineering approach to risk management and decision-making problems
Application of knowledge engineering techniques is regarded as one of the most...
Analysis of the sensitivity of the GI/GI/m/B queue to buffer size: The score function method
The paper develops a procedure for sensitivity analysis of the GI/G/m/B queue. m is...
Schedule efficiency in a robotic production cell
In this paper, the authors analyze the efficiency of a given robot movement schedule...
Asymptotic properties of stochastic greedy bin-packing
The authors study an adaptive or greedy policy for sequentially and equitably packing...
A decision-support system for aquaculture research and management
A decision support system was developed to facilitate the collection, manipulation and...
Quality management at Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Corporation, a member of the quick-service restaurant...
Recasting alternative agriculture as a management model-The value of adept scaling
This paper identifies the significance of scale considerations as applied to...
A telecommunications quality study using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
An Analytic Hierarchy Process approach that can be used either for the analysis and...
An AHP framework for prioritizing customer requirements in QFD-An industrialized housing application
Construction of housing in the United States is highly decentralized. There is an...
A multiobjective evaluation of energy alternatives for water pumping in urban households
In this article, seven different energy resources that can be used for water pumping...
A multiattribute preference model for evaluating the reforestation chain alternatives of a forest stand
This paper presents a method, based on multi-attribute utility theory, for choosing...
Integrating biodiversity into forest management planning and decision-making
In this paper, an approach is presented for incorporating biological diversity into...
An approach to public-participation in strategic forest management planning
An application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is presented for taking public...
Developing inventory and monitoring programs based on multiple objectives
Resource inventory and monitoring (I&M) programs in national parks combine...
A case-study of resources management planning with multiple objectives and projects
Each National Park Service unit in the United States produces a resources management...
Identifying regional goals and policy concerns associated with global climate-change
This paper presents a systematic approach, assisted by analytic hierarchy process and...
An integrated modelling approach for identifying promising technologies to address waste management problems
A panel of technical experts is responsible for evaluating over 400 technology...
The Disability Index analysis system via an ergonomics, expert-systems, and multiple attribute decision-making process
Through rehabilitation and training, visually impaired people can be placed in types...
Are patients capable of using the analytic hierarchy process and willing to use it to help make clinical decisions?
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a user-friendly technique that enables a...
Selecting the best baseball cards for investment
Baseball cards can be analysed for investment purposes like any other investments....
Supporting the choice of the sports fishing site
In this study, a cardinal choice model is presented for analysing the preferences of...
An analytic hierarchy approach to major-league baseball offensive performance ratings
In recent years, the analysis of major league baseball players’ statistics has...
The evaluation of air transportation networks, based on multiple criteria
The problem is partitioned into two components: to propose the air transportation...
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