Departures in GRXn/Gn/•

Departures in GRXn/Gn/•

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Article ID: iaor19971612
Country: United States
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 399
End Page Number: 419
Publication Date: Aug 1995
Journal: Queueing Systems
Authors: ,

Departure processes in infinite server queues with non-Poisson arrivals have not received much attention in the past. In this paper, the authors try to fill this gap by considering the continuous time departure process in a general infinite server system with a Markov renewal batch arrival process of M different types of customers. By a conditional approach, analytical results are obtained for the generating functions and binomial moments of the departure process. Special cases are discussed, showing that while Poisson arrival processes generate Poisson departures, departure processes are much more complicated with non-Poisson arrivals.


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