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Found 17049 papers in total
The achievable region method in the optimal control of queueing systems; formulations, bounds, and policies
The paper surveys a new approach that the author and his co-workers have developed to...
Performance evaluation of scheduling control of queueing networks: Fluid model heuristics
Motivated by dynamic scheduling control for queueing networks, Chen and Yao developed...
S-modular games, with queueing applications
The notion of S- modularity was developed by Glasserman and Yao in the context of...
An operator-analytic approach to product-form networks
The product-form stationary distribution of open Markovian networks of queues are...
A Gaussian fluid model
A fluid model with infinite buffer is considered. The total net rate is a stationary...
Optimal buffer design of an M/G/s queue with finite capacity
This paper provides an approximate solution of a buffer design problem in an M/G/s...
A two-queue model with exhaustive and limited service disciplines
This paper analyzes a single server model with two queues. The server serves customers...
Deterministic service of identical and independant ON-OFF fluid sources
A single server queue with infinite buffer and deterministic service rate is...
A queueing network model of a single-operator manufacturing workcell with machine/operator interference
The authors present an analytical approach to evaluate the performance of a...
A personal view of queueing theory
This is a personal and highly subjective account of the development of queueing...
Retrial queues revisited
A retrial system consists of a primary service facility and an orbit. Customers can...
Queueing systems with state dependent parameters
This paper surveys queueing systems with processes and characteristics (service,...
Queueing analysis of polling models: Progress in 1990-1994
Polling models generally refer to systems of multiple queues served by nondedicated...
Product-form loss networks
In a loss system customers arrive in attempt to seize some of the available system...
Sojourn time distributions in non-product-form queueing networks
From a customer’s point of view, the most important performance measure of a...
Fractal queueing models
Fractal queueing refers to contention models in which traffic processes (e.g.,...
Fluid models for single buffer systems
This paper considers a stochastic fluid model of a buffer content process {...
Computational methods in queueing
This paper presents a survey of computational methods for basic queueing models...
Polynomial time algorithms for estimation of rare events in queueing models
This paper presents a framework for analyzing time complexity of rare events...
Parametric estimation of tail probabilities for the single-server queue
In this paper, the authors consider the question of how long the arrival process to...
Optimization of the transient and steady-state behavior of discrete event systems
The paper presents a general framework for applying simulation to optimize the...
Initial data truncation for univariate output of discrete-event simulations using the Kalman filter
Data truncation is a commonly accepted method of dealing with initialization bias in...
Mathematical analysis of statistical sampling for estimating computer cache performance
Computer cache memory simulations consume a lot of resources, both in terms of disk...
Some results for the mean waiting-time and workload in GI/GI/k queues
This paper studies stationary queueing systems with first-come first-served discipline...
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