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Found 17049 papers in total
Two models for assessing a federal environmental health policy: The case of radon in US homes
The US Environmental Protection Agency's strategy for reducing the public health risks...
Modelling the costs and benefits of delayed product differentiation
Expanding product variety and high customer service provision are both major...
Analysis in manufacturing systems simulation – a case-study
A case study of the transition of an electronics assembly manufacturing system from a...
Attributed relational tree approach to signal classification
An automatic method for target identification which uses a pattern recognition...
Attrition modeling in the presence of decoys: An operations-other-than-war motivation
Under various operational conditions, in particular in operations other than war or...
Static and dynamic time–space strategic models and algorithms for multilevel rail-car fleet management
This paper deals with the design of dynamic time–space and calibrated static...
Toward efficient agnostic learning
In this paper we initiate an investigation of generalizations of the Probably...
Verification of uncertain knowledge-based systems: An empirical verification approach
A number of different tests and approaches are developed to determine the existence of...
Repeated optional gambles and risk aversion
We analyze in this paper the effect of age on the optimal dynamic strategy toward...
Organizational Consultant: Creating a useable theory for organizational design
Organization theory is a positive science; organizational design is a normative...
Organizational response: The cost peformance tradeoff
Organizations constantly face a dynamic environment where they must respond both...
Performance analysis of auction-based distributed shop-floor control schemes from the perspective of the communication system
A growing level of interest in academia and industry centers on the paradigm of...
On nearest-neighbor graphs
The ‘nearest-neighbor’ relation, or more generally the ‘ k...
The component retrieval problem in printed circuit board assembly
Minimization of the makespan of a printed circuit board assembly process is a complex...
A polyhedral approach for a constrained matching problem
Certain manpower scheduling problems can be solved as weighted matching problems with...
Determined transfer batch sizes in trip-based material handling systems
Trip-based material handling systems such as automated guided vehicle systems or lift...
Replanning and analysis of partial setup strategies in printed circuit board assembly systems
This paper considers the operation of component placement equipment for the assembly...
Markov decision processes with restricted observations: Finite horizon case
In this article we consider a Markov decision process subject to the constraints that...
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