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Found 17049 papers in total
Sequencing of parts in robotic cells
This paper considers scheduling problems in robotic cells that produce a set of part...
Interval coverage in multiclass queues using batch mean estimates
We investigate the fixed, sample-size, batch-mean procedure for creating confidence...
The lagged PSA for estimating peak congestion in multiserver Markovian queues with periodic arrival rates
We propose using a modification of the simple peak hour approximation (SPHA) for...
On the quantitative Steinitz theorem in the plane
We prove that for any k ≥ 4, any set X of points in the plane, and any point P...
Polytopes and the mean value property
Let P be any (not necessarily convex nor connected) solid polytope in the n...
Lower bound on testing membership to a polyhedron by algebraic decision and computation trees
We introduce a new method of proving lower bounds on the depth of algebraic d -degree...
Extremal properties of 0/1-polytopes
We provide lower and upper bounds for the maximal number of facets of a d -dimensional...
Heuristic, optimal, static, and dynamic schedules when processing times are uncertain
In this paper we compare the static and dynamic application of heuristic and optimal...
A branch and bound procedure for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows
Management of projects is complicated by the scarcity of resources required to execute...
Heuristics for multimachine scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness costs
We consider multimachine scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness costs. We...
Remarks on: ‘Some extensions of the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem’
Salomon et al. claim the NP-completeness of different variants of the discrete...
Scheduling workforce and workflow in a high volume factory
We define a high volume factory to be a connected network of workstations, at which...
Efficient methods for sequencing minimum job sets on mixed model assembly lines
For sequencing different models on a paced assembly line, the commonly accepted...
Mixed-model assembly line sequencing at Hyundai Motor Company
In this article we describe and illustrate the mixed-model sequencing approach used by...
Integrating the planning and scheduling systems in a job shop
This article is an examination of work-load smoothing and due-date assignment...
A practical application of a multi-project scheduling heuristic
This article is a review of the development and application of a multi-project...
Lower bounds for off-line range searching
This paper proves three lower bounds for variants of the following range-searching...
A stochastic version of a Stackelberg–Nash–Cournot equilibrium model
We consider a stochastic version of the Stackelberg–Nash–Cournot model...
An object-oriented modeling and simulation environment for reactive systems development
An environment to support the modeling, analysis, simulation, and development of state...
Considerations in applying dynamic-programming filters to the smoothing of noisy data
Dynamic programming techniques are useful in smoothing and differentiating noisy data...
Routing in packet-switched communication networks with different criticality classes of communicating node pairs
This paper addresses the routing problem with reliability requirements in...
Network externalities in microcomputer software: An econometric analysis of the spreadsheet market
Because of network externalities, the success of a software product may depend in part...
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