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Found 17049 papers in total
A new scenario decomposition method for large-scale stochastic optimization
A novel parallel decomposition algorithm is developed for large, multistage stochastic...
A stochastic approximation algorithm with varying bounds
Many optimization problems that are intractable with conventional approaches will...
Computing lower bounds for the quadratic assignment problem with an interior point algorithm for linear programming
An example of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is the facility location problem,...
Multi-objective sequencing with sequence dependent setup times
This research applied simulated annealing to minimize a weighted sum of tardiness and...
Facility-wide planning and scheduling of printed wiring board assembly
In the last decade, the US electronics industry has experienced a 10% annual...
The two-stage assembly scheduling problem: Complexity and approximation
This paper introduces a new two-stage assembly scheduling problem. There are m...
The distributional Little's law and its applications
This paper discusses the distributional Little's law and examines its applications in...
Scheduling groups of jobs on a single machine
Economies of scale are fundamental to manufacturing operations. With respect to...
Queueing analysis of a jockeying model
In this paper, we solve a type of shortest queue problem, which is related to...
A time window approach to simultaneous scheduling of machines and material handling system in a flexible manufacturing system
This paper exploits the interactions between the machine scheduling and the scheduling...
Exploiting partial information in queueing systems
We often try to draw inferences from partial observations of queueing systems in...
Networks of queues with customers, signals and arbitrary service time distributions
We consider a network of queues with multiple classes of customers, signals, and...
Parallel tabu search techniques for the job shop scheduling problem
We apply the global optimization technique called tabu search to the job shop...
On normalizing constants in multiclass queueing networks
Analytical expressions (formulas) for normalizing constants in closed queueing...
A computational study of local search algorithms for job shop scheduling
We present a computational performance analysis of local search algorithms for job...
Parallel service with vacations
We study a system with unlimited service potential where all service requests are...
Genetic algorithms and random keys for sequencing and optimization
In this paper we present a general genetic algorithm to address a wide variety of...
Exponential approximations for tail probabilities in queues, I: Waiting times
This paper focuses on simple exponential approximations for tail probabilities of the...
Information distortion in a supply chain: The bullwhip effect
Consider a series of companies in a supply chain, each of whom orders from its...
Perspectives on simulation research and practice
This paper discusses recent developments in simulation research, current direction, as...
Intelligent objects in simulation
In this paper, learning automata are incorporated as decision making agents...
Optimization of simulation via quasi-Newton methods
This paper discusses the application of quasi-Newton methods to optimization of...
Mean-square consistency of the variance estimator in steady-state simulation output analysis
In steady-state simulation output analysis, mean-square consistency of the...
Two-stage multiple comparisons with the best for computer simulation
We consider the problem of comparing a small number of stochastic systems via computer...
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