A location based heuristic for general routing problems

A location based heuristic for general routing problems

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Article ID: iaor19982252
Country: United States
Volume: 43
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 649
End Page Number: 660
Publication Date: Jul 1995
Journal: Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: integer, heuristics, location

We present a general framework for modeling routing problems based on formulating them as a traditional location problem called the capacitated concentrator location problem. We apply this framework to two classical routing problems: the capacitated vehicle routing problem and the inventory routing problem. In the former case, the heuristic is proven to be asymptotically optimal for any distribution of customer demands and locations. Computational experiments show that the heuristic performs well for both problems and, in most cases, outperforms all published heuristics on a set of standard test problems.


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