Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Improving generator availability at a western United States electric power plant
On several occasions, as an operations research analyst, I have been asked to work on...
An implementation of LPFORM
This paper describes a Microsoft Windows-based system, LP-FORM, that uses a graphical...
Presolve analysis of linear programs prior to applying an interior point method
Several issues concerning an analysis of large and sparse linear programming problems...
The Craft of Decision Making
Autocorrelated returns and optimal intertemporal portfolio choice
In recent years it has been shown empirically that stock returns exhibit positive or...
Intraday volatility in international stock index futures markets: Meteor showers or heat waves?
The international transmission of intraday price volatility among the United States,...
Path-dependent options: Extending the Monte Carlo simulation approach
Monte Carlo simulation has been used to value options since Boyle's seminal paper....
Information technology and screen-based securities trading: Pricing the stock and pricing the trade
Many major stock exchanges rely on their member firms to act as dealer intermediaries,...
Quad-trees and linear lists for identifying nondominated criterion vectors
In this paper we address the problem of identifying all nondominated criterion vectors...
Interchange fees for bank ATM networks
Banks have found it advantageous to connect their Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in...
Aspiration-based search algorithm for multiple objective linear programming problems: Theory and comparative tests
We develop an interactive method for multiple objective linear programming based on...
Modeling the impacts of the US 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 changed the regulations for air pollution by...
Habits and the anomalies in intertemporal choice
This paper analyzes a model of discounted utility under habit formation. Habit...
Combining expert judgment by hierarchical modeling: An application to physician staffing
Expert panels are playing an increasingly important role in U.S. health policy...
Generation of interpolation curves with the least energy using dynamic programming
In shape construction, it is often required for a curve to interpolate smoothly among...
Analyzing the pooling problem
The pooling problem is a non-convex mathematical program that arises in blending...
Generation of interpolation surfaces with the least strain energy using dynamic-programming
Construction of a surface is usually executed from the viewpoint of either...
Preprocessing in stochastic programming: The case of capacitated networks
We investigate different preprocessing procedures for stochastic linear programs whose...
Variability reduction through operations reversal
Products with high product variety are often made in a manufacturing process (or a...
Stopping criteria for finite length genetic algorithms
Considerable empirical results have been reported on the computational performance of...
An assessment of tritium supply alternatives in support of the US nuclear weapons stockpile
Nuclear weapons require the periodic replacement of tritium, a radioactive gas that...
Perturbation: An efficient technique for the solution of very large instances of the Euclidean TSP
In this paper we introduce a technique for developing efficient iterated local search...
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