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Found 17049 papers in total
Optimal storage assignment policies for automated storage and retrieval systems with stochastic demands
In existing AS/RS research, storage assignment policies are evaluated based on the...
Ethics in Modelling
Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms of probability distributions
We present a simple algorithm for numerically inverting Laplace transforms. The...
A probabilistic alternative to fuzzy logic controllers
Fuzzy logic controllers have been used increasingly in industrial applications. We...
Revised–modified penalties for fixed charge transportation problems
Conditional penalties are used to obtain lower bounds to subproblems in a...
A reactive tabu search metaheuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
This article develops a reactive tabu search metaheuristic for the vehicle routing and...
Optimal trellis-based buffered compression and fast approximations
We formalize the description of the buffer-constrained adaptive quantization problem....
SPOT; Scheduling Programs Optimally for Television
This paper introduces SPOT (Scheduling Programs Optimally for Television), an...
Rate-distortion optimal fast thresholding with complete JPEG MPEG decoder compatibility
We show a rate-distortion optimal way to threshold or drop the DCT coefficients of the...
An optimal sublinear time parallel algorithm for some dynamic-programming problems
We consider the following problem: minimize the time of optimal parallel computations...
An integrated labor-management system for Taco Bell
Taco Bell Corporation has approximately 6,490 company-owned, licensed, and franchised...
Neuro-Dynamic Programming
A hierarchical approach to managing dairy routing
We designed and implemented a decision support system to organize the delivery network...
Parallel algorithms for stochastic dynamic programming with continuous state and control variables
We compare two partitioning methods for solving a multi-dimensional optimal control...
A branch and bound algorithm for integer quadratic knapsack problems
We present a branch and bound algorithm for solving separable convex quadratic...
A column generation approach for graph coloring
We present a method for solving the independent set formulation of the graph coloring...
A branch-and-bound approach using polyhedral resuls for a clustering problem
This article describes a variation of the branch and bound method for solving a...
A new knapsack solution approach by integer equivalent aggregation and consistency determination
We present a new and highly efficient algorithm for the integer knapsack problem based...
Proctor assignment at Carleton University
Carleton University needs proctors during examination sessions to oversee the students...
A renewal reward approximation for the variance of electric power production costs
The cost of producing electric power over a specified study horizon is a random...
Expressing special structures in an algebraic modeling language for mathematical programming
A knowledge of the presence of certain special structures can be advantageous in both...
Positioning for a competitive electric industry with PG&E's Hydro-Thermal Optimization model
The Hydro-Thermal Optimization (HTO) system optimizes the weekly electric production...
A study of the augmented system and column-splitting approaches for solving two-stage stochastic linear programs by interior-point methods
Linear programs that arise in two-stage stochastic programming offer a particularly...
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