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Found 17049 papers in total
The US Army relies on decision support systems in allocating housing resources
Since 1991, the US Department of the Army has been using a heuristic programming model...
A fast composite heuristic for the symmetric traveling salesman problem
This article describes a new composite heuristic for the symmetric Traveling Salesman...
Branch and Bound methods for a search problem
The problem of searching for randomly moving targets such as children and submarines...
Tabu search and ejection chains – application to a node weighted version of the cardinality-constrained TSP
A cardinality-constrained travelling salesman problem (CC-TSP) requires the salesman...
Decision support for target-based resource allocation of public services in multiunit and multilevel systems
This paper is concerned with the problem of resource allocation and target setting in...
The theory of networks of single server queues and the tandem queue model
We consider the stochastic behavior of networks of single server queues when...
An efficient, objective technique for selecting an all-star team
Up to 1995, all-star selection in the Ontario–Quebec Intercollegiate Football...
Two parallel finite queues with simultaneous services and Markovian arrivals
In this paper, we consider a finite capacity single server queueing model with two...
The MAP, M/G1, G2/1 queue with preemptive priority
We consider the MAP, M/G 1 , G 2 /1 queue with preemptive resume priority, where low...
Queueing systems with renovation
We study in this paper single channel queueing systems with renovation. Such models...
Schedule optimization at SNCF: From conception to day of departure
Because of the upcoming deregulation and the advent of high-speed rail networks,...
Computation of derivatives by means of the power-series algorithm
The power-series algorithm (PSA) is a flexible tool for computing performance measures...
A comparison of alternative approaches for numerical solutions of GI/PH/1 queues
This paper compares alternative approaches for computing the R matrix of Neuts in...
Matrix-geometric solution of discrete time MAP/PH/1 priority queue
We use the matrix-geometric method to study the discrete time MAP/PH/1 priority queue...
Bad lattice structures for vectors of nonsuccessive values produced by some linear recurrences
Usually, the t -dimensional spectral test for linear congruential generators examines...
A batch means methodology for estimation of a nonlinear function of a steady-state mean
We study the estimation of steady-state performance measures from an ℛ d -valued...
Large-sample results for batch means
In analyzing the output process generated by a steady-state simulation, we often seek...
Measuring efficiencies and Returns to Scale of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone in production and cost analyses
This article provides a theoretical framework related to Data Envelopment Analysis...
EXP for Windows, version 5.0 – a software review
EXP for Windows, Version 5.0, is reviewed.
Efficient computation of probabilities of events described by order statistics and applications to queue inference
This paper derives recursive algorithms for efficiently computing event probabilities...
Middle management downsizing: An empirical investigation of the impact of information technology
Nearly all Fortune 1000 firms claim to have downsized since the early eighties, and it...
Effects of the user participation process and task meaningfulness on key information system outcomes
In this study, 144 professional accounting data entry clerks took part in a fully...
Creativity enhancement in problem solving: Through software or process?
This paper reports the results of a controlled laboratory experiment in which the work...
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