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Found 17049 papers in total
Toward efficient mutliple molecular sequence alignment: A system of genetic algorithm and dynamic programming
Multiple biomolecular sequence alignment is among the most important and challenging...
A depth-first dynamic programming procedure for the extended tree knapsack problem in local access network design
The Extended Tree Knapsack Problem (ETKP) is a generalized version of the Tree...
Best-first search and dynamic programming methods for cutting problems: The cases of one or more stock plates
The problem of generating guillotine cutting patterns for a number of stock entities...
Dynamic programming application to optimize spare parts inventory
The cost of acquiring and storing spare parts generally lies between 5% and...
Optimal design of power systems under constraints of reliability and cost
This paper considers two major problems of power system design optimization. The first...
Fuzzy dynamic programming approach to reactive power/voltage control in a distribution substation
A fuzzy dynamic programming approach is proposed for solving the reactive...
Hydro unit commitment in hydro-thermal optimization
In this paper we develop a model and technique for solving the combined hydro and...
Spatial and temporal specialization in forest ecosystem management under sole ownership
‘Ecosystem management’ complicates forest management considerably. In this...
Investigating strategies to reduce CO2 emissions from the electricity sector: The case of Greece
This paper investigates strategies to reduce CO 2 emissions from the electricity...
Nonlinear and dynamic programming for epidemic intervention
This paper studies an optimal control problem for a discrete-time, deterministic...
Control policy for a manufacturing system with random yield and rework
We develop a production policy that controls work-in-process (WIP) levels and...
Optimal dispatching control for elevator systems during uppeak traffic
In this paper we develop optimal dispatching controllers for elevator systems during...
Optimal traffic control at railway junctions
Conflict occurs when two or more trains approach the same junction within a specified...
Parallel dynamic-programming and ship voyage management
The paper is concerned with the design and implementation of a parallel dynamic...
Linear quadratic dynamic programming for water reservoir management
Dynamic programming (DP) is applied in order to determine the optimal management...
Bi-objective dynamic programming for trading off hydropower and irrigation
Reservoir management is examined from the bicriterion viewpoints of hydropower...
Adaptive and optimal control of the water gate of a dam using a finite element method
A methodology for flood control by operating a dam gate, based on the hydraulic model...
A water resources planning response to climate change in the Senegal River Basin
The Sengal River Basin (SRB), located in the Sahel region of West Africa, is...
Multiobjective analysts of service-water-transmission systems
A multiobjective analysis technique is presented to determine the optimum operation of...
Planning reservoir operations with imprecise objectives
Imprecise and noncommensurable objectives for reservoir operation are addressed...
Value of seasonal flow forecasts in Bayesian Stochastic Programming
This paper presents a Bayesian Stochastic Dynamic Programming (BSDP) model to...
Multiobjective watershed-level, planning of storm water detention systems
Detention basins are the most popular structural measure for urban flood control and...
An aggregate stochastic dynamic programming model of multireservoir systems
We present a new method of determining an operating policy for a multireservoir system...
Modelling sewer emission using SIMULINK
A dynamic programming package SIMULINK has been used to develop a conceptual emission...
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