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Found 17049 papers in total
Dynamic programming for non-additive stochastic objectives
We derive the existence of an optimum and the techniques of dynamic programming for...
Sequential decisions under uncertainty and the maximum theorem
For sequential decision problems in which the decision-maker observes a process of...
Pansystems optimization, generalized principles of optimality, and fundamental equations of dynamic programming
Clarifies the relationship between the Bellman principle of optimality and the...
Regularised shortest-path extraction
Regularization of shortest-paths and active contours has been considered and attempted...
The matrix dynamic programming property and its implications
The dynamic programming technique rests on a very simple idea, the principle of...
Improving the divide-and-conquer approach to sum-of-pairs multiple sequence alignment
We consider the problem of multiple sequence alignment: given IC sequences of length...
Modelling the economics of animal health control programs using dynamic programming
A new application of an optimization tool, dynamic programming (DP), is described to...
The effect of agricultural policies on land use and environmental quality
In this paper I consider the environmental quality gains that may be achieved by...
Optimal marketing of nursery crops from container-based production systems
Optimal production and marketing decisions for a nursery producing ornamental plants...
Grain drying optimisation at low temperatures
The optimisation of grain drying systems was studied through the dynamic programming...
A stochastic dynamic programming model for the management of the saiga antelope
A stochastic dynamic programming model for the optimal management of the saiga...
Managing cattle grazing under degraded forests: An optimal control approach
In this paper aspects of knowledge generation and administration concerning management...
A safety-first approach to dynamic cropping decisions
A risk-sensitive optimal flexible cropping plan for spring barley in southeastern...
Designing efficient soil survey schemes with a knowledge-based system using dynamic programming
Soil sampling and measurement often consume a significant portion of the budget...
A linear dynamic system approach for cattle herd optimal shaping
The time evolution of a herd of cattle is modelled as a linear dynamic system with...
Optimal stochastic multicrop seasonal and intraseasonal irrigation control
Optimal seasonal multicrop irrigation water allocation and optimal stochastic...
Uncertainty and the management of mallard harvests
Those charged with regulating waterfowl harvests must cope with random environmental...
Contracting structures for custom software development: The impacts of informational rents and uncertainty on internal development and outsourcing
Custom software development projects have special informational attributes that have...
An economic analysis of IS budgets
This paper conducts an empirical analysis of information systems budget data focusing...
A relationship between CNF and DNF systems derivable from examples
In learning from examples, the main goal is to use a collection of positive examples...
Capacity expansion and replacement in growing markets with uncertain technological breakthroughs
The accelerated pace of technological change has led to rapid obsolescence of...
Adding value to induced decision trees for time-sensitive data
Rule induction serves as an alternative knowledge acquisition method in the...
A graph theory-based approach for partitioning knowledge bases
The growing interest in using structured methodologies for design and development is a...
Backup agreements in fashion buying – the value of upstream flexibility
We focus on backup agreements between a catalog company and manufacturers – a...
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