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Found 17049 papers in total
Capital charges and capital expenditure decisions in core government
The application of capital charges to core government agencies (those which produce...
Proportional pricing: An equitable method of expanding the Prospective Payment System to non-Medicare payers
There has been increased interest in expanding the Medicare Prospective Payment System...
Scheduling a major college basketball conference
The nine universities in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) have a basketball...
Automated air load planning
We describe the development of a heuristic algorithm for determining efficient...
Multiairport Ground Holding problem: A computational evaluation of exact algorithms
Congestion in the air traffic network is becoming an increasingly serious problem that...
Simple evaluation of echelon stock (R,Q) policies for two-level inventory systems
A two-level inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers is considered....
Probabilistic analyses and practical algorithms for inventory-routing models
We consider a distribution system consisting of a single warehouse and many...
Analysis of a deterministic demand production/inventory system under nonstationary supply uncertainty
In this article we investigate a periodic review inventory model under deterministic...
Learning and forgetting in mental and mechanical tasks: A comparative study
This study compares learning and forgetting of mental and mechanical tasks....
Evidence propagation and value of evidence on influence diagrams
In this paper, we introduce evidence propagation operations on influence diagrams, a...
Solving a selected class of location problems by exploiting problem structure: A decomposition approach
For many combinatorial optimization problems that are NP-hard, a number of special...
A new measure for supplier performance evaluation
Recently the concept of dimensional analysis was used to propose a supplier...
A set-processing algorithm for scheduling staff on 4-day or 3-day work weeks
This paper presents an efficient algorithm for scheduling a single-category work force...
On postponement strategies for product families with multiple points of differentiation
Several researchers have studied the benefits of product and process design that calls...
Optimal production operations sequencing
The goal of this research is to address the following issues: Under what circumstances...
Flexibility and pricing decisions for high-volume products with short life cycles
We examine the competitive implications of a firm's ability to change over its...
Analysis of the greedy approach in problems of maximum k-coverage
In this paper, we consider a general covering problem in which k subsets are to be...
Branch-and-price: Column generation for solving huge integer programs
We discuss formulations of integer programs with a huge number of variables and their...
Solving a truck dispatching scheduling problem using branch-and-cut
A branch-and-cut integer programming solver is developed for a class of structured 0/1...
On optimal allocation of indivisibles under uncertainty
The optimal allocation of indivisible resources is formalized as a stochastic...
Exploiting special structures in constructing a hierarchy of relaxations for 0–1 mixed integer problems
A new hierarchy of relaxations is presented that provides a unifying framework for...
Enumeration approach for linear complementarity problems based on a reformulation-linearization technique
In this paper, we consider the linear complementarity problem (LCP) and present a...
Discrete lotsizing and scheduling by batch sequencing
The discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem for one machine with sequence-dependent...
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