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Found 17049 papers in total
Economic design of refrigerated automated storage and retrieval systems
The objective of this paper is the development of a design model for refrigerated...
Dynamic vehicle dispatching: Optimal heavy traffic performance and practical insights
We analyze a general model of dynamic vehicle dispatching systems in which congestion...
Optimal floating and queuing strategies: Consequences for density dependence and habitat loss
Field studies of many vertebrates show that some individuals (floaters) do not defend...
The adaptive dynamics of consumer choice
This article uses mathematical models to investigate the consequences of...
Causal reasoning in systems modelling
This paper will not discuss the philosophy of causality in depth, but will focus on...
On the use of ECLIPSE code for optimizing industrial processes
The sequential code ECLIPSE is used in the present work to perform a technical...
A fuzzy programming approach to energy resource allocation
This paper presents a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming approach to serve the...
Artificial neural network for forecasting residential electrical energy
An artificial neural network (ANN) model for forecasting the residential electrical...
Optimization of electrical distribution networks fed by conventional and renewable energy sources
This paper provides a methodology for the optimization of an existing electrical...
Maximum profit performance of a three-heat-reservoir heat pump
The operation of a three-heat-reservoir heat pump is viewed as a production process...
Optimization of the irreversible Stirling heat engine
The effects of inefficiencies in the compression, expansion and regeneration processes...
A statistical analysis of wind energy potential at the eastern region of Saudi Arabia
The energy potential of wind for the eastern region of Saudi Arabia is investigated...
Thermodynamic optimization alternatives: Minimization of physical size subject to fixed power
This paper explores alternatives to the usual thermodynamic optimization formulation,...
The cost of uncertainty in capacity expansion problems
The goals of this paper are to present a two-stage programming model for the capacity...
Optimal burn-in decision making
This paper presents a conceptual model of burn-in decision making which gives an...
Improving the lifetime of an automatic welding system
In an industrial development project an automatic welding system for multilayer steel...
Efficiency measurement and strategic classification of Japanese banking institutions
This article proposes a new two-staged discriminant approach, consisting of DEA (Data...
A study of size efficiency in US banking: Identifying banks that are too large
Maindiratta questioned the practical relevance of the most productive scale size...
A minimal model for forest fire regimes
We show in this article how the characteristics of fire recurrence in forests can be...
Considering intergenerational equity in linear programming-based forest planning models with MAXMIN objective functions
This paper describes alternative approaches to formulating linear-programming-based...
An optimization approach to selecting Research Natural Areas in national forests
The USDA Forest Service has a long-established program to identify areas in national...
Arbitrage-free valuation of a federal timber lease
The objective of this paper is to describe a quantitative framework for offering...
Stochastic representation of fire behavior in a wildland fire protection planning model for California
A fire behavior module was developed for the California Fire Economics Simulator...
Optimal harvesting and thinning with stochastic prices
This article rigorously incorporates optimal thinning decisions for an even-age stand...
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