Efficiency measurement and strategic classification of Japanese banking institutions

Efficiency measurement and strategic classification of Japanese banking institutions

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Article ID: iaor20011378
Country: United States
Volume: 29
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 1249
End Page Number: 1263
Publication Date: Nov 1998
Journal: International Journal of Systems Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: statistics: data envelopment analysis, programming: goal

This article proposes a new two-staged discriminant approach, consisting of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and GPNDA (Goal Programming for Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis). The proposed approach measures the DEA efficiencies of Japanese banks and then separates the banks into several groups according to these efficiency scores. Separated groups of banks are characterized by GPNDA. The methodological strength of GPNDA is confirmed by comparing it with other discriminant analysis techniques. Our empirical results may serve as a basis for developing financial strategies for Japanese banks whose business environment is now shifting from governmental regulation to international competition.


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