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Found 17049 papers in total
Imitation of complex strategies
Researchers examining loosely coupled systems, knowledge management, and complementary...
An optimal control theory for discrete event systems
In certain discrete event applications it may be desirable to find a particular...
Decision making under uncertainty: Is sensitivity analysis of any use?
Sensitivity analysis, combined with parametric optimization, is often presented as a...
Software release games
The software release game developed by Zeephongsekul is reconsidered in the framework...
Stochastic games for N players
The objective of this paper is to present a useful application of the theory of...
Linear transformation of products: Games and economies
In this paper, we introduce situations involving the linear transformation of products...
Remarks on theory of the core
This note proposes a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an...
The symmetric rendezvous-evasion game
E.J. Anderson and R.R. Weber considered the problem of two rendezvousers, R 1 , R 2 ,...
Hierarchical production control in dynamic stochastic jobshops with long-run average cost
We consider a production planning problem for a dynamic jobshop producing a number of...
bc – prod: A specialized branch-and-cut system for lot-sizing problems
bc – prod is a prototype modelling and optimization system designed and able to...
Lagrangian solution techniques and bounds for loosely coupled mixed-integer stochastic programs
Many production problems involve facility setups that lead to integer variables,...
Scheduling with inserted idle time: Problem taxonomy and literature review
In the context of production scheduling, inserted idle time (IIT) occurs whenever a...
Minimizing cycle time in a blocking flowshop
We consider a blocking (i.e., bufferless) flowshop that repetitively processes a...
The three-dimensional bin packing problem
The problem addressed in this paper is that of orthogonally packing a given set of...
Scheduling of multi-class single-server queues under nontraditional performance measures
We consider a multi-class production system without setups where many job classes...
Risk-sensitive production planning of a stochastic manufacturing system
This paper is concerned with long-run average risk-sensitive control of production...
A comparative study of three tool replacement/operation sequencing strategies in a flexible manufacturing system
This paper studies three tool replacement/operation sequencing strategies for a...
Requirements planning with substitutions: Exploiting bill-of-materials flexibility in production planning
Designing product lines with substitutable components and subassemblies permits...
Computing bounds on project duration distributions for stochastic PERT networks
We consider the PERT model with activities whose durations are random variables with...
Reverse-logistics strategy for product take-back
Product take-back of consumer products is generally expensive, especially reverse...
Robustness of various production control policies in semiconductor manufacturing
This paper compares several different production control policies in terms of their...
Exact penalization of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
We study theoretical and computational aspects of an exact penalization approach to...
Warranty economic decision models: A summary and some suggested directions for future research
Product guarantees or warranties have been around for generations, but formal...
Economic process control under uncertainty
The future of the global industry lies in the continuous improvement of both products...
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