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Ramifications of monitoring service quality through passively solicited customer feedback
Sampson S.E.
It is common for service providers to collect data from customers as part of efforts...
A robust optimization approach for improving service quality
Soteriou Andreas C.
Delivering high quality service during the service encounter is central to competitive...
Determining optimal advertising strategies: A Markov decision model approach
Gupta A.
This study falls in the class of models in which advertising wearout and the...
A strategic, area-wide contingency planning model for oil spill cleanup operations with application demonstrated to the Galveston Bay Area
Wilhelm W.E.
This paper develops a general integer programming model for strategic, area-wide...
Variance reduction via lattice rules
L'Ecuyer Pierre
This is a review article on lattice methods for multiple integration over the unit...
Assessing dependence: Some experimental results
Fischer Gregory W.
Constructing decision- and risk-analysis probability models often requires measures of...
Nonparametric estimation of the cumulative intensity function for a nonhomogeneous Poisson process from overlapping realizations
Leemis Lawrence M.
A nonparametric technique for estimating the cumulative intensity function of a...
Stochastic prediction in multinomial logit models
Hsu Arthur
It is standard practice to form predictions from multinomial logit models by ignoring...
Design of operations management internships across organizations – learning OM by doing OM
Wouters Marc J.F.
To teach operations management (OM), we had students work full time in companies,...
Special research focus on supply chain linkages: Challenges for design and management in the 21st century
Mabert V.A.
Supply chain management is a central and important area for academic research due to...
Success factors in strategic supplier alliances: The buying company perspective
Ragatz G.L.
The emerging area of supply chain alliances has received considerable attention in the...
Interorganizational determinants of environmental purchasing: Initial evidence from the consumer products industries
Carter C.R.
Environmental purchasing consists of the purchasing function's involvement in...
Designing distribution systems to support vendor strategies in supply chain management
Robinson E.P.
The interactions among a firm's distribution strategy, market share, and distribution...
Supply chain inventory management and the value of shared information
Fisher Marshall
In traditional supply chain inventory management, orders are the only information...
The effective design of work under total quality management
Victor Bart
In this research, we address the question: Why do many total quality management...
An examination of procedural and object-oriented systems analysis methods: Does prior experience help or hinder performance?
Speier C.
Interest in object-oriented analysis (OOA) and object-oriented design (OOD) has...
A two-period repeated game advertising investment model for oligopolistic markets with an application to the beer industry
Chintagunta P.K.
This paper proposes a simple analytical model of advertising competition in oligopoly...
The strategic design and development of enterprise resources planning and real-time monitoring systems
Ip W.H.
One of the crucial requirements of global manufacturing strategy is the ability to...
Modeling users through an expert system and a neural network
Moghrabi C.
With the number of Internet and Web users increasing rapidly, electronic service...
Involving information system users in defining system requirements: The influence of procedural justice perceptions on user attitudes and performance
Hunton J.E.
This study incorporates the theoretical framework of procedural justice into the...
Organizational computing as a facilitator of operational and managerial decision making: An exploratory study of managers' perceptions
Teng J.T.C.
Much of the current knowledge pertaining to information technology (IT) and decision...
Integration between business planning and information systems planning: Validating a stage hypothesis
King William R.
This paper proposes and empirically validates a stages of growth model for the...
Optimal integer solutions to industrial cutting stock problems
Schrage Linus
The ‘textbook’ treatment of the cutting stock problem, using a method...
Reexamining a model for evaluating information center success using a structural equation modeling approach
Chau P.Y.K.
Structural equation modeling is a technique that has been widely used for instrument...
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