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Small robust response-surface designs for quantitative and qualitative factors
Aggarwal M.L.
Draper and John gave some specific response-surface designs for quantitative and...
New exact and asymptotically optimal heteroscedastic statistical procedures and tables, II
Dudewicz Edward J.
Heteroscedasticity has been a problem in statistics from the start of the field. For...
Estimation and inference of a cointegrated regression in panel data: A Monte Carlo study
Chen Bangtian
This paper studies the finite sample properties of the least squares dummy variable...
Managerial use of debt to fund municipal government risks
Puelz A. von
In recent years, managers of municipalities have been forced to reevaluate the...
Specifying critical inputs in a genetic algorithm-driven decision support system: An automated facility
Pakath R.
We present a simple scheme for the automated, iterative specification of the genetic...
A seasonal index for business
Ittig P.T.
This paper explores the problem of obtaining a multiplicative seasonal index for...
Adaptive, agile approaches to organizational architecture utilizing agent technology
Burns J.R.
Intelligent agent-based approaches to software support systems are believed to provide...
The role of innovation characteristics and perceived voluntariness in the acceptance of information technologies
Agarwal R.
The often paradoxical relationship between investment in information technology and...
Complexity factors and intuition-based methods for facility network design
Robinson E.P.
Logistics managers frequently utilize decision support systems (DSS) to make facility...
Representations as decision aids: The asymmetric effects of words and numbers on auditors' inherent risk judgments
Dilla W.N.
Decision aids often change the representations used to express risk cue information...
Animation in user interfaces designed for decision support systems: The effects of image abstraction, transition, and interactivity on decision quality
Gonzalez C.
This paper develops the idea of animation in user interfaces designed for decision...
Group support systems, power, and influence in an organization: A field study
Williams S.R.
Emerging group technologies are attracting attention from researchers and...
An empirical investigation into factors relating to the adoption of Executive Information Systems: An analysis of EIS for collaboration and decision support
Rai A.
This study focuses on the organizational adoption of Executive Information Systems...
Conceptualizing structurable tasks in the development of knowledge-based systems
Benaroch M.
Conventional approaches to knowledge-based system (KBS) development are not...
Consistency and accuracy in decision aids: Experiments with four multiattribute systems
Olson David L.
There have been a number of multiattribute decision aids developed to aid selection...
A sensitivity analysis approach for some deterministic multi-criteria decision-making methods
Triantaphyllou E.
Often, data in multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems are imprecise and...
Inducement of nonexistent order by the analytic hierarchy process
Schenkerman S.
An apparently unreported problem facing decision makers who use AHP is described. It...
Stochastic judgments in the analytic hierarchy process: The measurement of rank reversal probabilities
Stam A.
This paper presents a methodology for analyzing Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)...
Stochastic games with average payoff criterion
Bagchi A.
We study two-person stochastic games on a Polish state and compact action spaces and...
Stability of essential strategy in two-person zero-sum games
Arsham Hossein
A two-person zero sum game has a (finite) payoff matrix T whose rows and columns are...
Simple formulae for counting processes in reliability models
Rubino Gerardo
Dependability evaluation is a basic component in the assessment of the quality of...
Complexity of memory-efficient Kronecker operations with applications to the solution of Markov models
Ciardo Gianfranco
We present new algorithms for the solution of large structured Markov models whose...
Exact distribution of word occurrences in a random sequence of letters
Daudin J.J.
The study of the distribution of the distance between words in a random sequence of...
Reliability of a system with Poisson inspection times
Dieulle Laurence
For systems subject to inspections at Poisson random times, we present an analytic...
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