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Found 17049 papers in total
Supplier–buyer contracting: Asymmetric cost information and cutoff level policy for buyer participation
We consider the problem of designing a contract to maximize the supplier's profit in a...
Gadgets, approximation, and linear programming
We present a linear programming-based method for finding ‘gadgets,’ i.e.,...
Decision making for facility layout problem solutions
In this study, facility layout problems, solution requirements and decision analysis...
A decision support system for locating convenience store through fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
Location selection plays a very prominent role in retailing due to its high and...
Bicriteria location of a semi-obnoxious facility
The problem of locating a new semi-obnoxious facility in an existing layout is...
An industrial pollution emission control model
A mathematical model for controlling the generation of industrial pollution in a given...
On the distribution approach to location problems
While making location decisions, the distribution of travel distances among the...
Composite event support in an active database
An intelligent or active database system is able to provide support to engineering...
Optimal design problem of system reliability with interval coefficient using improved genetic algorithms
In this paper, we first formulate a De Novo nonlinear integer programming (NIP-I(DN))...
GA-based reliability design: State-of-the-art survey
As systems have grown more complex, the consequences of their unreliable behavior have...
Fault diagnosis model based on Petri net with fuzzy colors
The problem addressed in this paper concerns fault diagnosis based on incomplete...
Simulation of crew size requirement in a maintained reliability system
Maintained reliability systems (MRSs) generally operate in three phases: normal...
Interpretation of criteria weights in multicriteria decision making
Multicriteria decision making models are characterized by the need to evaluate a...
On filtering over Îto–Volterra observations
In this paper, the Kalman–Bucy filter is designed for an...
Relative performances of similarity and dissimilarity measures
Similarity or dissimilarity coefficient is used to measure the groupability of...
Interactive strategy sets in multiple payoff games
In game theory, it is usually assumed that each player has only one payoff function...
Ecology and the poverty of humanism: a critical systems perspective
This paper explores what we might mean by the terms ‘humanism’ and...
Trapped in your own net? Network cohesion, structural holes, and the adaptation of social capital
This paper explores the tension between two opposite views on how networks create...
A grounded model of organizational schema change during empowerment
We analyzed employee resistance to an organizational change project in which employees...
Bridging space over time: Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness
Global virtual teams are internationally distributed groups of people with an...
Is organization theory obvious to practitioners? A test of one established theory
Critics have argued that organization theories which ‘work’ are obvious to...
Extending the Cyert–March duopoly model: organizational and economic insights
Two studies were conducted to explore the organizational and economic insights...
A design of personnel scheduling sofware for manufacturing
This paper describes Decision Support System (DSS) software to model personnel...
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