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Found 17049 papers in total
Rates of convergence of stochastically monotone and continuous time Markov models
In this paper we give bounds on the total variation distance from convergence of a...
Stability of degenerate diffusions with state-dependent switching
This paper deals with the ergodic properties of hybrid systems modelled by diffusion...
Enhanced model representations for an intra-ring synchronous optical network design problem allowing demand splitting
In this paper, we consider a network design problem arising in the context of...
A linear algorithm for analysis of minimum spanning and shortest-path trees of planar graphs
We give a linear time and space algorithm for analyzing trees in planar graphs. The...
Stability analysis for the shortest path problems
The shortest path (SP) problem is to find the shortest (e.g. least cost) path from the...
A simplex-based tabu search method for capacitated network design
The fixed charge capacitated multicommodity network design problem is a well-known...
On the numerical solutions of stochastic optimization problem
In this paper we discuss the role of soft computing (SC) in optimization problems. We...
Reactive GRASP: An application to a matrix decomposition problem in TDMA traffic assignment
A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is a metaheuristic for...
An ant colony system hybridized with a new local search for the sequential ordering problem
We present a new local optimizer called SOP-3-exchange for the sequential ordering...
A parallel shortest augmenting path algorithm for the assignment problem
A parallel version of the shortest augmenting path algorithm for the assignment...
Solving graph bisection problems with semidefinite programming
An exact solution method for the graph bisection problem is presented. We describe a...
On the rank-based selection strategy for the group interview problem
For the so-called group interview problem in which several groups of choice...
Market split and basis reduction: Towards a solution of the Cornuejols–Dawande instances
Cornuejols and Dawande proposed a set of 0–1 linear programming instances that...
Output-sensitive results on convex hulls, extreme points, and related problems
We use known data structures for ray-shooting and linear-programming queries to derive...
Practical piecewise-linear approximation for monotropic optimization
Piece-wise linear programs are routinely used in applications to approximate nonlinear...
Las Vegas algorithms for linear and integer programming when the dimension is small
This paper gives an algorithm for solving linear programming problems. For a problem...
On duality in semi-infinite programming and existence theorems for linear inequalities
Linear semi-infinite programming deals with the optimization of linear functionals on...
Affine geometric method for linear programs
The algebraic (simplex) method is a complete enumerating algorithm to solve bounded...
Initialization of the simplex algorithm: An artificial-free approach
The simplex algorithm requires artificial variables for solving linear programs which...
Sensitivity analysis in parametrized convex vector optimization
This paper provides some results concerning sensitivity analysis in parametrized...
Optimality conditions for vector mathematical programming via a theorem of the alternative
This paper is concerned with the optimality conditions for nonsmooth and nonconvex...
Minimal representation of convex regions defined by analytic functions
In this paper we are concerned with characterizing minimal representation of feasible...
Sensitivity analysis for convex multiobjective programming in abstract spaces
The main object of this paper is to prove that for a linear or convex multiobjective...
A geometric view of parametric linear programming
We present a new definition of optimality intervals for the parametric right-hand side...
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