New exact and asymptotically optimal heteroscedastic statistical procedures and tables, II

New exact and asymptotically optimal heteroscedastic statistical procedures and tables, II

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Article ID: iaor20013116
Country: United States
Volume: 19
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 157
End Page Number: 180
Publication Date: Jan 1999
Journal: American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences
Authors: ,

Heteroscedasticity has been a problem in statistics from the start of the field. For example, the Behrens–Fisher Problem (of testing the equality of two normal means when the variances are not known and cannot be assumed equal) has received the attention of Linnik, H. Scheffé, Welch, Chernoff, Chapman, Prokof'yev, Shishkin, B.K. Taneja, and others, and papers on it continue to appear. A new type of two-stage procedure was put forth by Aoshima, Hyakutake, and Dudewicz which allows an exact solution, and that solution can be (in some cases) asymptotically optimal. Dudewicz and Ahmed (1998) developed this solution, which is exact, for the Behrens–Fisher Problem, and gave tables needed to achieve level α. In the present paper we: review the previous work, state the exact solution, give tables needed for level α and power β, prove asymptotic optimality, and give notes and programs on computational aspects.


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